Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Scholarship Time! Or Not...

So, because I am not in school right now, I decided that winter break is the perfect time to write some scholarship essays. I spent like an hour about a week ago looking for ones to write. I found ten really good ones. However, they all need to get written before December 31st. I have yet to actually even start writing one. I just can't get my lazy self to start them. I know I need to. Like I really, really need to. I just can't work up the motivation. Which is quite sad, because I need to at least try to get some more money... Since I am sure tuition will balloon up some more next year. Stupid college. It is ridiculous to pay 20 thousand for in-state school. Argh. Oh well though. I guess I need to get my lazy butt into gear.

There is actually an essay I need to complete and have postmarked by five today. We will see how that goes... I guess it is only 400-600 words, but still, that is quite a lot actually. And I have to make it really good too. They have to be hard-core quality words. \I need to start researching health care right now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Going Home Today!

Yay! Today I am going home! This term has both dragged on forever and blasted through like a steam engine. I am so glad it is finally over and am looking forward to going home quite a lot. Haha, that being said, I am leaving today around three and I have yet to pack a single thing. Oh man. It is probably going to suck a lot trying to pack everything and clean everything at the same time. This is pretty gross, but I have probably only swept my room like twice all term. I think my roommate did it once as well, but I am not sure. Not looking forward to cleaning... I did go through and organize all my school stuff and my desk drawers however. That won't need to be done.

I didn't get to sell back any of my testbooks this term. That made me a little sad. I was going through all my stuff and I noticed that I still had ALL of my books. I need my o-chem book all year, I want to keep my Asia books, I'm letting a friend borrow my writing book next term and apparently I am not able to sell back my physics book, When I found that out, I was a little sad. I had my exam at seven thirty in the morning on Monday, and immediately afterward, I walked over to theplace where you can sell your books back. Yeah, they wouldn't take it. Apparently, my instructor might not use this book next year for physics. He had a special deal to get our textbook published in four separate editions instead of one big book because it wasn't published yet when school started. Argh. Oh well. Now I have an eighty dollar softcover book that I will never be able to sell because it is a custom edition for my college and if it is not used next year, it will be useless. If I can't sell it back next year, I am going to burn it. Haha. That will be a great day...

So anyways. Going home! So excited! No school for three weeks. No complications or anything. I will just be able to hang out with my family and my friends. All day. Yes!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I just had the most wondrous laundry experience. It was kind of a good karma type of thing. (Although, I learned in my Asia class that there is no such thing as good/bad karma. A bunch of crazy Americans just made that term up a while back. It just happened to stick. Karma is actually the way you live your life as compared to the way your life was prescripted to be lived...) But anyway, back to my amazing laundry story. I had just gotten down there, and lo and behold, I found I had missed the dryer train - all the dryers had like 45 minutes left on them. However, there was one dryer that only had 11 minutes to go. I decided to stay down there in case someone came along and tried to take my clothes out of my washer.

Well, I am glad I stayed, because five minutes into my wait, some guy came down and had a bag of clothes. I very nicely asked him if he needed two washers (as there was only one free plus mine that I was waiting to put in a dryer) He said that indeed, he did need two. So I, being the nice person that I am, took my wet clothes out for him so he could use my washer. He looked very happy. He then left. I still had five minutes left of my wait, so I decided to use this time wisely and had a little look into the give away bin because it looked pretty full. I found this really cute shirt. But it had a weird stain on it, so I decided to take it anyways and wash it to see if the stain came out. By the time I was done looking, the dryer that I had been waiting for was finally done. But, since I am a firm believer in courtesy minutes, (giving an extra five minutes to the person after their clothes finish...) I decided to wait an additional five minutes.

I am really glad I did. Because this other boy came down (he had one minute to go by the way) and walked over to my dryer and began to take his clothes out. "Halelujah!" I thought to myself. But then, he felt his clothes and was like, "Oh man, they're still wet." Then he looked over to me and asked if I was waiting for a dryer. I replied yes, and he said I could have his dryer anyway. I asked him if he was sure, and he said yeah. So I was like, "YAY!" And I put my clothes in. And that is the end of my story,

In the end, three very good things happened to me this night. All because I was nice to two people. And it only took 16 minutes of my time. Karma. In the American sense, it works.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Clunky People.

Last night I was really trying to go to sleep, but I kept hearing this clunky person going up and down the hall above my room. It went on for quite some time. I don't know why this person was so loud. They must have been either really fat or clunking on purpose. I'm pretty sure it was the same person too. The footsteps all sounded the same and they had the same loudness quality. I didn't really appreciate this person's noise at all. It is supposed to be 22 hour quiet hours this week because of finals, but people have been louder this week than they have all term. I don't really understand this. People should be studying in their rooms. Quietly. Not talking outside my door or clunking up and down halls. I hear them talking to each other and slamming their doors and walking all around outside my door. Oh man. Too noisy. I had to turn my fan on its loudest setting last night to drown out all their noises. Oh well though. I guess I only have three of four more nights here of listening to them. Haha.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Oh man. Over the past two days I have re-read and re-taken notes from 313 pages of my physics book. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and yet I kind of want to kill myself at the same time. In the end, I was able to condense 10 weeks of class, 10 chapters and over 300 pages of reading into 4 computer paper sheets; front and back of course. I think this is pretty darn impressive actually. It took me probably more than 10 hours, but who is counting? I just wish I could haul those eight pages into my final tomorrow morning. At 7:30. AM. Oh man. Somehow I need to condense this god-awful material even farther. I have to either reduce the sheer bulk of information by three quarters, or else shrink the size of my writing to one fourth of its current size. I must say, I am leaning toward the latter of these two options. I think it would be much wiser actually. This will probably take me another two hours or so. I have to concentrate really hard in order to write so extremely small and still have my writing be legible and flow in straight lines. Not looking forward to this task.

And, a note on the time of this physics final. 7:30 am? Please. I hate whoever came up with this terrible time. I wish I could find out their name and write them a little note. Let's just say, to "express my gratitude". I will be so happy come tomorrow morning at 9:20. I will have a whole three and a half weeks of physics-free glory before coming back and having to take one more term. Oh man. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to the day, 103 days from now, when I can finally be done. I actually plan on making a countdown. you know, like one of those little stacks of paper with numbers on them that you can tear off a sheet every day? I am going to make one of those during winter break. And it will probably most likely be the most amazing one ever.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bathroom Tile and Road Curves

Finals are coming up for me (next week to be precise) and I have been doing a lot of studying lately. I am definitely beginning to think it is starting to affect my life. Just the other day for example, I was driving back to college and my car was going around a curve. I immediately thought of physics and how when you go around a curve, centripetal acceleration pulls you inwards and its force = mv2/r. I hate physics, so I felt kind of bad for thinking this, but at least it shows that I know what is going on in a curve situation.

And today, I went to the bathroom in the English/Psychology building. I just happened to look down at the floor and I saw the tiles made up a honeycomb-like pattern. It was a bunch of hexagons all stuck together. I thought to myself, "Boy, those tiles sure do look like cyclohexane molecules..." and then immediately afterward, I was like, "Oh my goodness. I can't believe I just thought that". I felt really nerdy. I couldn't believe it. Oh well though. Just before I left for class that day, I had been drawing a mechanism for a chemistry reaction involving a cyclohexane. So, I guess it makes sense that that would come to my mind.

I remember that last year, I even had a couple of dreams about finals and studying. My roommate even said that one time I talked to myself in my sleep and I said something like, “Is that going to be on the test?” Haha, I am so weird. Maybe I should just take a break. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I made some molecules today. What did you do?

Today I made some molecules. I was kind of bored, just sitting around in my room with nothing to do when I looked over at my window sill and saw my molecular modelling kit, also just sitting there. I thought to myself, "Hmmm. Why don't I make me some molecules." And this I did. After fooling around for a while making up random molecules, I decided to stick with the basics and made two classics: a cyclohexane and some kind of ethane (or butane depending on which groups you substitute for balls...). I had a pretty fun time.

It just so happened that I had actually been making molecules the wrong way for like seven weeks. My friend came over one day and started fooling around with my kit. He figured out the right way and I felt kind of dumb. Apparently, the molecule pieces actually snap into place. I had been holding my molecule components together with my hands for the longest time. Isn't that sad? Oh well. I guess you live and learn.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Productive Day? What?

So far today, I have done many things - and it is not yet even 8:00am! Amazing, right? I registered for classes, made scones, picked up dog poop, levelled up in Restaurant City, put in a trash bag and wrote this blog.

So yeah, I woke up today at 5:48am to register for my winter term classes. Needless to say, I was quite excited. I was finally able to register at 6:00 this morning... I had actually basically picked out my schedule like a month ago, so I was all set. I had my set of what classes to pick and when all ready to go, I signed on to my college registration website and registered away. Everything went mostly according to my plans. However, I had to register for AN EIGHT A.M. physics class. Kill me now. I already can't handle that class and now I have to wake up extra early just for it. Go me. I plan on calling the physics department Monday as soon as it opens and if I can't change this, I will just die. That's all there is to it. Oh yeah, and I could only register for 16 credits too. I forgot about this. I am going to take 19 credits this term, so I will just have to wait a week and register for that last class. It better not fill up on me.

Dog poop. I woke up, sat down at my computer this morning, looked over at the ground to my right, and guess what was looking back at me? Yeah. A big old pile of my dog's poop and a great big puddle of pee. I didn't really want to clean it at that moment in time, so I carried on registering for classes. I finally finished like 20 minutes later and I still didn't feel like picking up the mess. So I made scones instead. I finally couldn't put off this duty any longer, so I rolled up my sleeves, got an old bread bag, some napkins and some Pine Sol and got down to business. it was pretty gross.

Scones. They are delicious. or they will be. I haven't eaten them quite yet, but I plan on doing so quite soon. Like as soon as I finish this. I'm pretty excited. My scones are amazing. If I do say so myself.

Restaurant City. I started playing this game like two weeks ago I think. And I am a fan. Definitely. I'm officially level 16 now. YES! I love this game. I can just sit back and watch my people work. It's amazing.

I plan on being even more productive for the rest of the day. I decided that I am going to completely going to write my 5-8 page Anthropology paper. I'm pretty excited actually. It's about this India book I read. And I love India so I decided the essay will be fun!

Well, I am done now. I really want to eat my scones. And coffee. Yum.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pull-Out-Desk Success? We Shall See...

I spent like twenty minutes today trying to put my pull-out-desk tray back together. I think I finally succeeded, but we shall see. The darn thing broke like a month ago. Even after a month of not having it, I still would go down and try to pull it out. It wasn't there, but I kept thinking it was. I loved my pull-out-desk tray. I used it for basically everything I ever did. I ate on it, I did my homework on it, I put my feet on it while I watched tv on my computer, I set important things on it... I lived my life on that pull-out-desk tray. That being said, I was devastated when I was doing stuff on it one day and it broke. It was like losing a dear friend...

I finally had enough of not having it today, and also having a lot of free time today, I decided to get my mechanical skills on and try to fix my desk. I am pleased to report that I believe I solved the problem. To celebrate, I have my elbows resting on it right now, as I write this. And after I post this, I will attempt to do my 15 page physics homework. I feel quite rejuvenated now. Maybe I can solve my physics problems too. I seriously doubt this, but it might be a possiblity. I am on a figuring-things-out roll right now.

First Book Highlighting Party.

I highlighted my first book today. It might seem amazing that I have never before highlighted a book, but this is the truth. I guess I have just always had a healthy respect for books and have always kind of felt like a defiler of knowledge for marking up pages. This is kind of silly, but it's just the way I feel. The reason for finally breaking free of my anti-highlighter ideology was that I had to read 88 pages of one of my India books. This is many pages and I didn't really want to take 30 pages of notes by hand. This would take much time; time I do not have.

You might ask why I let 88 pages of reading pile up on my favorite subjest. This reason is also simple; I did not need this book until after the first midterm. I had somehow put the book somewhere in my room at the beginning of the term and then forgotten where I placed it. I just found the book this week. I think the momentous occasion took place on Thursday, but I'm not sure... It was in my physics drawer in my desk. I do not know why I placed a book for a subject I love in the same drawer as the subject that I hate most in the world, but I did. This is perhaps the reason I did not find this book until a few days ago. I try to avoid looking in my physics drawer as much as possible. I tried to separate it from the rest of my subjects. It is death and deserves a separate spot.

Anyways, backstory aside, I do not think I will ever again highlight a book. I just feel terrible about it. This is kind of stupid because the act of highlighting has saved me much time and effort. However, I still cannot reconcile the act of defiling a book. In my head I just cannot get past this. I don't really know why. I am looking at the book right now and I feel kind of bad. Oh well though. I just think books are too valuable to mark on.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nasty Bathrooms? Please.

Okay, so I just returned from a less than satisfactory bathroom expedition. I walked into the girls' bathroom on my floor and was greeted by several slightly off-putting surprises. I knew that my usual stall had a bunch of nasty barf in it from Friday night, so I first went into the handicapped stall; my second choice toilet. Well, it had a wonderful surprise just waiting for me. Someone had forgotten to flush the toilet. Great. Thanks to whoever was responsible for that. That being said, I was slightly disgusted. I moved on to the next stall, hoping for something a little better. There was nothing better about what I found there either. There was a bunch of weird water on the floor and all around the seat. Gross. I skipped the next stall - it contained the barf... and went on to the next one. The first stall. I don't really like the first stall anyways. Its toilet is substantially lower than the rest of the other toilets, which is a problem. Well, I wasn't able to use that stall either. There was a bunch of nasty blood all over it. I was really disappointed. I really had to go, and I didn't want to use any of the surprise toilets, so I migrated on down to the third floor. It was much nicer. However, there were no paper towels. I just couldn't win today.

Hello toilet-surprise-makers. We are in college. You should know how to flush a toilet and clean up after yourself. It is not acceptable to leave weird, nasty surprises all over the place for innocent, unsuspecting people like me to find. It is just not cool. I do not appreciate this.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I feel like I have been angry and frustrated this whole term. Well, today my fuse finally blew. I am done.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Right Now I'm Kind of Mad

Right now I'm kind of mad. Some stupid girls on my floor decided to have a noise party. All I wanted to do tonight was to read my India book. Alas, this dream was destroyed when all of a sudden, what do I hear? Stupid noise from my stupid neighbor's noise party. I was only a few pages in when it started and then I couldn't concentrate, so I gave up and started writing this.

I did a little investigating and I found out that room 410 was having an "open house". Apparently because no one ever visits them. Haha, yeah right. I bet they are over there all the time hanging out with bunches of people. I guess it was a nice idea, but it is not a nice idea to blast your stupid music all the time. It kind of makes me really mad. People don't really seem to have any courtesy these days. They just blast their stupid music all the time and take other people's laundry out of the dryers.

I decided that stupid is my new favorite word by the way. I pretty much use it all the time these days. This is kind of sad and it kind of makes me sound like a mean person, but I don't really care. Oh well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodwill Nail Polish? Hmmm.

So, I bought this nail polish from Goodwill a couple of weeks ago and today, I had the worst kind of epiphany. I was applying said polish, when suddenly it occurred to me that the person who gave it away to Goodwill might have had some kind of weird toe disease. This thought kind of horrified me actually. I couldn't believe I had not thought of it earlier. It all seemed so clear. And so nasty. I think I would probably die if I were to contract a strange fungus. I cannot be known as Toe-Disease-Girl. That would be quite unacceptable.

That being said, I did however continue to paint my nails. I simply cannot deny the amazing-ness of $0.99 Revlon nail polish. Dang, that stuff is regularly like five whole dollars. I decided that I will just have to hope that the person who used that nail polish before me was a clean, safe, fungus-free person. Plus, being winter, it kind of rains all the time, so I get to wear shoes everyday anyway. If I did become fungified, no one would ever know. That would be the plan at least. Haha, I would probably even donate the contaminated polish back to Goodwill. Well, maybe not. I'd like to think I'm a pretty nice person, so I guess I would probably throw it away. Unless I was really upset of course.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hmmm. I have been going to Catholic church for a while, and I have to say I am a fan. This may just be because it is a new religious environment for me, but I would like to think it's because I truly like Catholicism. I was taking a shower a few minutes ago and found myself singing this Latin church song that we sang tonight. At first, I was like, "Hmmm, it's kind of funny that I am belting this out in the shower..." But then after a while, it was still stuck in my head and I just gave up trying not to sing it. Therefore, I decided to make a list of everything i like about Catholicism. I actually kind of like making lists, so here I go.

1.) I like all the ceremony. The priests dress up in cool robes and at the very beginning of church, the main priest comes in bearing this cool fancy Bible over his head as the choir sings a very joyful type of song. Then, following him, the next highest priest comes along (I don't know exactly what this title is called, but oh well) and he carries in this cross with Jesus on it that's on a stick. It's all very beautiful and they are so reverent and humble. I really like it. And they have lighted candles on stage and everything looks really pretty.

2.) The ritualized behavior. Everyone always knows the exact thing to say or do at the exact time. There are certain sayings you say after the priest says a certain thing and certin signs you perform at a given "cue". It is all pretty neat. I also really like how when the people come in to the sanctuary, they all bow and cross themselves and say a silent little prayer. I think this act of love for God is also very beautiful ad it is not something I grew up seeing in evangelical church. I really like the whole Caholic behavior and how they humble themselves before God. I think it is really nice. I want to learn how to do this so I do not look like such a loser when I walk in and stuff.

3.) There is this basin of holy water with a baptismal basin full of holy water. I think this is so cool! I had never even seen holy water before I came to Catholic church. To be honest, I thought it was one of those quaint little things you see in movies or read about in vampire books. I was very pleasantly surprised when a few weeks ago, the priest announced that the baptismal basin was indeed full of holy water.

4.) The fellowship shared by all Catholics. On any given Sunday, most churches sing the same songs out of this book that has what to do each service for the whole year in it. I can't remember what this book is called, but I think it's cool that everything is so coordinated. At first, I thought this was a bad thing, that allowed no creativity in worship, but now I have come to realize that the priests are free to have a lesson on whatever they want on top of the readings given in the book. This book also has like every Catholic song ever. And that is so cool! Each song has the sheet music too, so even if you don't know the song, you can kind of read the music and know the notes to sing and all the timing and stuff.

5.) All the mantras (for lack of a better word). I'm sure there is a correct term for this, but several times in each service the whole mass stands up and says the same thing in the same voice. I know for a fact that they say the Lord's prayer each service (which is awesome, because I know this and can say it with them...) and like two other long passages. I can't really remember what they are about though, but I still think it's pretty great that they all say the same thing at the same time. I always feel really good when I can recite the Lord's prayer with them. It really makes me feel like part of the group. I guess I really like routine and saying these things each service is kind of comforting and nice. I like it a lot.

6.) Swing down kneeling bars. These are pretty much the coolest things ever. I really like them. Several times throughour the service, everyone gets down on their knees and they whip out these little kneeling bars. They are really comfortable and nice. I never really got to kneel at Christian church and I really like the change. it sounds kind of silly, but I kind of feel closer to God when I kneel. And it doesn't hurt that it is kind of fun too.

7.) The eucharist. Catholics take communion every Sunday. I think this is also super cool. At my church back home, we only did communion like once or twice a year, and it never seemed to have the special significance it seems to have for Catholics. For them, it is the actual body and blood of Jesus, not just some silly little cracker and teaspoon sized cup of grape juice. The priest has this whole ordeal for getting the Eucharist set up and I really like to watch him do his thing. He is pretty pro. I love the reverence he has for the whole thing. He holds each thing up to God and blesses it and pours wine into silver goblets and he has this whole routine with ringing bells and chanting and stuff. All the meanwhile, everyone sings songs and stuff. Since I was not baptized catholic, I cannot take the Eucharist. This makes me kind of sad, but I don't really want to go against everyone. Plus, I don't really know enough about Catholicism to take it. I really wish I could, but I will have to wait until I actually decide to become Catholic. If I decide to do this.

8.) Foreign priests. Sometimes, visiting priests from foreign countries come to give mass. There are a bunch of Italian ones who come and I really like their accents. I know this is kind of un-Godly, but I just can't help it. Listening to their cute accents makes me pay attention all the more. So I guess it's a good thing. Today, I shook hands with the priest who gave the mass. He was a foreigner. Needless to say, I was a pretty happy camper afterwards. It's not that I think they're hot or anything (then I would really go to Hell...), it's just that I like the fact that they are foreigners. I think I have a special place for foreigners in my heart, actually. There was never a foreign preacher at my old church. I don't even know if they would allow it. They were pretty lame. I think they liked their white, evangelical men to preach. This sounds awful, but I'm pretty sure it's true.

9.) I actually think I'm done. I'm sure there are more things that I am forgetting, and that makes me feel kind of bad, but oh well.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My ugly ID card.

My school ID card is probably one of the most horrible things I have ever seen. I look like some kind of creepy child molester. This is quite unfortunate because everyone has to look at it. All the time. And I mean everyone. The people who scan it for my food, test proctors and whoever just happens to look over at it when I inadvertently leave the thing face up on a table.
My card causes me much concern. I have been using it for a little more than one whole school year and my friends still make fun of me for it. Haha, I even still make fun of me for it. It is so hopelessly unattractive that I kind of want to die everytime I let someone see it. Oh well though.
I have had numerous experiences involving my sad excuse for an ID card; the most recent of which happened just last night. I had a physics midterm yesterday, which I might add, was death. But death aside, my ID card experience was also quite terrible. Not quite death, but close. So... I arrived at my test location, and I saw my test proctor. He was one of the hottest guys I have seen all year. He was pretty darn good looking. Which is amazing, because most grad students in physics are horribly unattractive. I must admit, I kept sneaking peeks at him all thoughout my exam. I just couldn't help it. All in all, I probably wasted like three or four minutes staring at him. Not all at once of course, but spread throughout the eighty minutes. When I had finally finished, I had to bring my test up and show the the hot proctor my ID card, to prove that I am really kelsey-tron. I forgot that I look really ugly on it... But when I got up to him and handed him my card, he looked at it and looked at me and looked back at it and then back at me and so on and so forth. It was pretty sad actually. I could tell he was trying to figure out if the ugly person on my card was indeed me. He must have decided so, because he finally accepted my test. I felt so bad... I did look pretty good that night though, so at least the hot T.A. got to see me at my best. I officially decided to figure out which lab or recitation he teaches so I can get in on the hotness next term.
You might ask why I continue to live with such a poor excuse for an ID card. The answer is atually quite simple. You see, to replace the card, I would have to pay 25 dollars. This is kind of a lot of money and I am pretty poor, so thus far, I have opted to keep my card. My friends have offered to chip in and help me, but I couldn't do that to them. I wish the person who took my picture had asked my opinion on it before putting it on my card, but they didn't. And now I have to live my life as the proud owner of a nasty looking ID card.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rant on My Life's Current Situation

I hate physics and stupid girls (with stupid voices that I can hear outside my door carrying on right now) and the ridiculously stupid people down my hall that have their stupid effing music blaring out its nasty, annoying, repetitive stupid retarded songs at noise levels that make me want to blow my brains out. I kind of want to walk out my door and strangle them all and yell naughty words in their faces. I hate them all and I wish they would all die. Ugh! And it doesn't help either that I have been staring at the same stupid physics problem for three days straight now and still have no idea how to do it. I have a test on Wednesday next week and I don't understand anything. I am so frustrated that I will even admit I went and cried in the shower tonight. Cries of rage and frustration I might add... I am so mad. At physics, at my stupid music blaring nasty creeper floormates, the people who invented physics, the people at my college who decided to have zoology majors take physics, and essentially anyone else who has anything to do with physics or who plays really loud stupid music. I guess I should probably calm down, but oh well. You could say I am slightly upset. I can't even really concentrate enough to write what I really want to say right now because that stupid music is going on in my background. It has been going on like this for the past hour and a half. I even went to take a really long shower in the hope that when I finished, my floor would be silent again. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed when I walked out of my bathroom and heard the music still raging on. I kind of want to make a poster that says. "I hate you and your stupid fucking music," which I would proceed to tape on their door. Now, I usually never use this type of language, and have never said the "F" word outloud as my own words, but I feel that this occasion warrants its use. I kind of hate the world right now. I am in a really bad mood.

The backstory. Well, not really. Just more ranting, but still...

Physics. I hate it with a passion. I wish the people who invented it and pioneered its use were never born. I wish their parents and grandparents and their parents and so on and so forth never existed. I thought I understood physics perfectly until I started my homework three days ago. Everything was going almost fine, not great, but just slightly below fine actually, when I got to the third problem. I couldn't do it. So I moved on to the fourth. I couldn't do it. Then I tried the fifth. And that is the one that I have been constantly trying to figure out all day today. I took little breaks to try to see if I could do any of the other problems on my homework, but lo and behold, I could not do them either! I want to die. I have never been so frustrated with my self and my ablilty to understand things. I think I am going through a small crisis.

Loud music. This I also hate with a passion. I don't think I would ordinarily mind it so much, but I think my inability to understand physics just makes my hate a million times worse. If I was trying to do calculus, I would not mind it... If I was trying to do acid-base equilibria, I would not mind it... If I was doing just about anything else, I would not even care that much at all. However, I just so happen to be doing physics right now. And I do mind the music. Quite a bit actually.

Being dumb. This one is slightly new to me, but I also hate it with a passion. I have never been dumb at something before. I have had to work quite hard to get a firm hold on several concepts (Ahem... general chemistry term numero dos...) But I have never felt as dumb as I do right now trying to understand physics. It is a new feeling and I do not like it very much. I decided just now that I am going to become best friends with the physics TA's because I need their help very much indeed.

It also doesn't help that I only got like four-ish hours of sleep last night. I volunteered like at 11:30 last night to help with parking for today's football game at 6:00am I guess I get kind of cranky when I don't get my beauty sleep. Still though.

I guess this is the end of my very first rant. It kind of fizzled away there in the end, but oh well. It was pretty rant-y in the beginning. I thought of many things to say during the course of my long shower, but since that stupid ridiculous, loud music was still playing when I got out, I forgot everything. That music makes me not concentrate very well. If it had not been playing when I got out, I doubt I would have written this long rant, but I think the music pushed me over the edge of my sanity and into rant-land.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Second Day of School!

So...today I had the two classes I was looking forward to the most and I am pleased to announce that they have met all my expectations. My first class of the day, was organic chemistry. I'm pretty excited for this one. The professor seems pretty nice. The class happened to be in the same lecture room as my general chem class last year. Today, I sat on the opposite side of the room and it was kind of weird, watching from a different vantage point. I think next time, I will sit on my customary side

My second class of the day was my South Asia class. I was actually kind of scared about this one, because you see, my teacher is an Indian from India and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to understand him. He barely has an accent at all! This made me super excited! And I even made a friend! Yay me! She was really nice and had really cool tattoos. And she was minoring in anthropology, same as me! And as for South Asia...I can't wait to start learning about it! Even though I didn't really like India before, I think I am a fan now.

That's it for my second day. I was supposed to have my two hour physics lab, but labs don't meet this week. Thank goodness. It is nice to be done before two o'clock. I'm really glad and sad at the same time that I don't have as many labs this year. Last year, I had a 4 hour general chem lab and a 3 hour biology lab. All year long. They were pretty fun actually, but four hours is a long time to be doing the same thing. I was so happy to hear that the only lab I have to take at all this year is only two hours long. It is a new record for me. This I am a fan of. I hope I make a friend in it too.

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day of School!

Today I had my first day of school and it was wonderful! I only had two classes and a recitation. Amazing. My first class of the day was physics. My professor's name is Chris Coffin. I think that is a funny name. But anyways, I think that will be an alright class. I'm not too too excited though, because I have never heard good things said about things pertaining to physics. I have never taken such a class before, but as my major is in the college of science, I am forced to take it. My major does not have much to do with physics, but oh well. Mr. Coffin said that it is not about memorizing facts, but instead, is about learning like five main principles and applying them to everything else. I must admit, this kind of scared me. I love memorizing facts. I don't know how this will go exactly, but I guess I will find out.

My second class of the day was called writing and media. I think it will be the easiest class in the history of college. However, I must divulge several things that really bothered me today. First of all, the entire class is made up of girls. Not good. There were only like six guys in a class of forty ish. I do not have very good luck it would seem. Also, secondly, there is a girl with the most annoying voice I have ever heard. She volunteered an answer to something, and the moment her mouth opened, I wanted to shoot myself. Literally. I have never heard a voice that annoying in my whole life. Ever. And I can tell that she will probably be speaking quit often. She is one of "those" people. I think she is in a sorority, but I'm not sure. I hate her.

My third class of the day was my organic chemisry recitation. I think that class will be quite awesome. My friend's roommate is in it (so I have a friend...) and my TA is super cute. He is Indian (from India, not a native american). And he has the cutest accent ever, and he seems really excited about chemistry (which makes me excited too...). He also has a really cute smile, which he uses a lot. It's one of those smiles that can light up a room. I am a major fan. I think I am going to like organic chemistry quite a bit. I can already tell.

I am so excited for this school year!

Friday, September 25, 2009

And I Had Such High Hopes...

I had extremely high hopes for my first co-ed dorm experience. Unfortunately these hopes were totally and completely obliterated in less than an instant. I saw one of my next door neighbors. I had been looking forward to meeting them ever since I moved in (they happened to be boys...). However, today I saw one. It was terrible. Awful. A complete and utter tragedy. I wanted to die. Well, not really, but still.

He just happened to be a certain creeper that I met last year. C-R-E-E-P-E-R. Ugh! My first experience with him happened last spring. It was a hot day and my friend wanted to go tanning and have a squirt gun fight. This we did. And Creeper was watching. Through our lounge window. My roommate spotted him, and immediately, we were done. After that, we started seeing him around our dorm. We don't know his name, but we call him Creeper.

Today, I saw him walk into his door. End of story. I guess there will be no walking around in towels.

Also, I just spotted another previously met Creeper. He lives in my hall as well. One night, my roommate and our friend were playing frisbee. Then, some guy on the second floor started dancing at us. He took his shirt off even. So creepy. Then, he came down and asked us for our phone numbers. "For his roommate" His roommate was kind of creepy as well. The roommate is the one that I saw on our hall.

I think the universe hates me. Jesus hates me. Karma is forever turned against me. I don't know what I did, but now I am screwed in the worst possible way.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Bathroom Fixation.

My bathroom really bothers me. Whenever I think about it, I get a little upset. It makes me really mad. There is only one soap dispenser, and it is on the far side of the room. I have to walk all the way over there, and then all the way back to the sink. Also, the tile in the showers is gross and mildewy. It is disgusting. From shoulder level down, the tile grout is black. Dark black. And the bottom row of tile is missing. There is just this nasty little 4 inch strip of nasty black mildewy grout. And I don't even want to talk about how there are no shower racks/caddies. Argh.

I even had a bathroom dream last night. I dreamt I lived on the fifth floor and they had a marvellously spacious bathroom. It was ginormous and made of sparkling white marble with green, teal and blue tiles. And Greek sculptures. And deep soaker tubs and nice white pedestal sinks, majestic bathroom stalls... It was beautiful; I never wanted to wake up.

But anyways, this dilemma makes me want to join my hall council to appropriate some funds to address these problems that have been plagueing me for a whole week. I'm going to do some research on all the girls bathrooms in my building and take pictures of problems and do a cost assessment and everything. It will be so professionally done that they won't be able to turn me down.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a Minor Annoyance...

So, none of the showers on my floor have those little shower racks that hold shower supplies. This makes me really upset. I have to put my shampoo and stuff on the little bench next to my clothes. Then, while taking a shower, I have to point the nozzle away from the shower curtain, open the shower curtain, reach way over to the little bench and grab my stuff. I then have to applysaid stuff, put it back on the bench, shut the shower curtain and point the shower nozzle back at myself. it is the biggest hassle ever and I hate it. And usually, either my clothes or my towel get slightly wet. It is quite unfortunate.

For the past three days, I have used a different shower; each time in the hopes of finding one with a shower rack. My last hope was exhausted today(except for the disabled stall which I only use for shaving...). I used to look forward to shower time, but it is no longer fun for me. I think I might install a shower rack in one of the stalls. That would solve my problem. Or I could go down to my old floor and use their showers. Which I might add, were WAY nicer.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Things I Need to Get Used To.

So, I am officially moved back into college. That being said, there are numerous things that I have to reaccustom myself to.

Numero Uno: Living on a new, co-ed floor.
This is wonderful! Boys are my next door neighbors! They are probably freshman, but still. That is besides the point. Everyone is so friendly and nice. Such a change from my last hall. Last year, I accidentally signed up for an all girls floor. I picked out the perfect room. Close to the stairs, close to the fun lounge, the study lounge and the bathroom. But not close enough to hear people going up and down the stairs and into and out of the bathroom. It was the perfect location... but on an ALL GIRLS FLOOR! So not the perfet location at all. Quite the opposite actually. Everyone was mean and antisocial and the girls living across from me had a stinky room. I didn't even know the names of my neighbors. Isn't that sad? Oh well, the times of all-girl living are finally over. I have a feeling that this year will be a very good year for friend making. Hopefully anyways.

Numero Dos: Living on a higher floor.
I am living in the exact same room, just one floor up this year. (my room location is just so great...) So, my view is a little different. The tree in front of my window looks a lot more branchy, and the roof of my dining center is below my window, intead of on the same level-ish. This sounds like a lame thing to get used to, but I don't really care. Also, when going up the stairs, I always kind of want to turn onto the floor below me, where I used to live. I have to think really hard to keep on going up to my real room. Then, when I open the door to go onto my floor, the door is substantially heavier. I don't know why this is, but it will take some getting used to I guess. It doesn't make sense that identical doors in a dorm building should have different weights, but they do.

Numero Tres: Bathrooms - showers and toilet paper.
I'm pretty sure I get a little spoiled when I go home, because my parents buy really nice, soft, thick, two ply toilet paper. Which I am a definite fan of by the way. Anyway, here, they have that really thin, industrial single ply toilet paper. Which I am most definitely not a fan of. It will take some getting used to. In addition, the water pressure of the showers is a lot higher than the water pressure at my house. It comes out a lot harder. I kind of like the high water pressure though. I always feel like I get really clean in a faster amount of time. Kind of silly, I know. The showers on my new floor are also different from the ones on my old floor. The one I used last night had no shower caddy to put my shampoo and stuff. This really annoyed me, because I had to put it on the ground and had to bend down to grab it. I really hope the other showers have shower caddies. I will have to investigate this. Oh yeah, and the one I used last night was either really mildewy or the tile grout changed colors from black to white about halfway up. I am hoping it is the latter of the two. I try not to think about the first, because that is really disgusting.

Numero Cuatro: Not living in a house full of siblings.
It is much quieter.

Numero Cinco: having to walk everywhere.
I actually really like having to walk everywhere. It is really nice. I love to walk around. Don't get me wrong, I love driving places too, but walking is equally fun.

Numero Seis: Having cute boys all around.
I kind of went through cute boy withdrawal when I went home for summer vacation. I went from seeing them all the time at college to not even seeing barely one a week. It was so sad. But now that I am here, I am kind of overwhelmed. Surprisingly. I guess it was just a shocker to go from seeing none to seeing a million. They are everywhere and it is wonderful. I think after a couple of days, this feeling will go away. I really love college.

I think that is basically it. These are all the things I have to get used to right now. Everything else is pretty much the same as ever.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Summer Goals?

Alrighty, so now that summer is nearing its end, I thought I would take the time to evaluate my progress in reaching several goals I set for myself back in June. Since I go back to school in two days, I thought I would do this. I have no more time to try to accomplish them.

Goal #1: Buy a longboard.
Check. I bought my longboard the first week of my summer vacation. It was pretty much amazing. I walked downtown to this skate shop called Exit where I picked out my board and trucks and wheels and bearings and probably some other skate-y stuff that I forgot to mention. I bought it with the refund from my dining dollars. So yeah, my board is pretty much the best, coolest thing ever. It is from Arbor and it has this picture of a bear roaring on the back. That was why I bought it, because I liked the bear.

Goal #2: Practice on said longboard and become pro on it.
Eh, not so much. I kind of bailed on this one. I wish I hadn't, but oh well. I was pretty good about riding it every day for the first month, maybe the first month and a half. Then, when the hot weather and sun all the time came around, I kind of stopped. I have some measure of skill on it, but not much anymore. I have slipped. Very far. And I have much work to do in order to not look like a retard.

Goal #3: Learn Japanese - or at least some kana.
I did pretty good on this one. I didn't totally complete it, but I came pretty close. I checked out like a million books about Japanese and Japan from the public library. All sorts of culture and grammar and history books. And I read them all. I even made two different sets of flashcards for the kana syllabaries. One that I made myself and one that I printed out and made. I pretty much practiced them every day. I was pretty on top of this goal for a while, but then, I also kind of fell off the wagon. It turned into an on again off again type of thing. I only practiced every once in a while. But I did succesfully learn all the hiragana and I can write them all pretty proficiently. Haha, I also know a few words and the general grammar structure. but that's about it really. I think I did an alright job.

Goal #4: Learn how to play guitar.
Epic fail. I didn't even pick up the guitar once. Actually, that's a lie. I did pick up the guitar one time, to play a sad little G chord. The guitar wasn't even tuned, so I gave up. I don't know how to tune anything.

Goal #5: Learn how to play "I Like Bread and Butter" on the piano.
This one was only a half-fail. I actually made more than just one puny little attempt. I tried pretty hard for like three days. But, in the end, I was bested by a page of sheet music.

Goal #6: Start a blog.
Well, I did this one! Like in the last month of summer, but hey, I still did it.

Goal #7: Buy all my school textbooks for cheap.
Epic win! After spending 200 dollars on two books last year, (I did use them both for three terms though...) I decided that I would do anything it took to not have to do that EVER again. s, at the beginning of the summer, I created an Amazon account and went hunting for book bargains. I must say that I did myself pretty darn proud. I probably saved close to 250 dollars from my college's bookstore price. I was so happy! And I even started reading some of them. I know, I am a major nerd. I pretty much memorized the aforementioned two textbooks. But, i thought I'd get a leg up in a few of my more difficult classes...

Goal #8: Get a job.
Fail. Not epic, but it was still a fail. I tried everywhere that I thought might hire me. I tried two canneries, the state fair and several other places. But to no avail. No one hired me.

So these were my summer goals. I pretty much only accomplished three out of eight - once you add the half from longboard practice and the half from Japanese of course. This is quite pathetic actually when I think about it. I had barely a 30% success rate. Oh well though. I guess the important thing is that I tried to make goals in the first place. Maybe next year's goals will be different.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vigorous Brushing.

So today I went to the dentist. For the third time ever. I kind of like going to the dentist. I guess it's still kind of a novelty thing, but hey, I'm still a fan. I got my teeth x-rayed, cleaned, polished and flouride-ed. It was quite fun, I must say. I didn't have any cavities or anything. (I have never had a cavity before! yay me!) My wisdom teeth have yet to make an appearance though. When I learned this, it made me kind of sad. I was kind of hoping they would have sprouted or something already, but oh well. They are straight and stuff, so they will not have to be pulled out. Thank you Jesus. Oh yeah, I learned that I am a vigourous brusher and that I must stop brushing so hard or else I will need a gum graft in five years. That would be unacceptable. I'm pretty sure that I looked pretty darn horrified when the dentist told me about this problem. It makes me kind of sad though because I can no longer use whitening toothpaste. "It's too abrasive..." I drink much coffee and so for the past year and a half have been using extra whitening toothpaste only. You know, to balance out the staining. I guess my teeth will simply have to yellow away. I would rather have yellow teeth than a gum graft. Yikes. The dentist even showed me how to brush properly. Well actually she showed me the correct pressure to apply. I already know how to brush my teeth...

So yeah, that was my trip to the dentist. I thought it went pretty well. Except for the whole brushing hard thing I guess. But at least I had no plaque.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Report on Longboarding

I am officially back to beginner status. Longboarding is kind of hard now. I can no longer push without looking down. I tried not looking down and I almost fell off. And I can only push a maximum of three times. This makes me kind of sad. I used to be able to push multiple times in a row. While not looking down. Argh. I guess I have a lot of work to do.

I Need to Practice Riding My Longboard.

Today I need to practice riding my longboard. I go back to school in five days and I regret to announce that I have not practiced riding my board in a very long time. It has been at least a month. This pains me very much. I cannot believe that I have allowed my lazy tendencies to get in the way of this. In the past, I have postponed riding because it was, "too hot" or "there were too many people watching". But now, I am done with excuses. Right now, all the kids are at school and all the adults are at work. It is not hot either. I have no more excuses. I need to be pro again so I don't look like a retard at school. That would be completely unacceptable. I spent a lot of money on my longboard so that I would be obliged to ride it often. I guess that didn't work. Oh well though. It's time to get back on the horse so to speak.

I used to be pretty pro before I stopped practicing... I could turn corners and go down hills (without dying) and I could even pump like four or five times in a row. It was pretty impressive actually. However, now I need to build on those little baby skills and become super pro. Anything less would be lame... and I cannot be a lame-o.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Siblings and Dreams

Lately, since my siblings have all gone back to school, I have been remembering my dreams. This is actually really exciting because I haven’t remembered any good ones in like a year. I think my remembering them now has to do with the fact that my siblings wake me up a little when they are getting ready for school. They don’t wake me all the way up though, thank goodness.

Last night I had a dream that I went to a physics convention with my first term chemistry partner. He was pretty cute. Good partner… But anyways, there were all these physics-y exhibits and stuff, like giant red and white balls on sticks and giant wooden trolley car type things. It was kind of a weird dream I guess. Pretty random.

Then, the night before, I had a dream that was kind of weird and scary. I went to this house at the far end of the parking lot at Costco. Some people were with me, but can’t remember who they were. I guess the house was haunted or something because this weird little monkey-ish boy/ghost followed me around and climbed onto my shoulder and bit me. Then I went home and looked in the mirror and I turned into an Asian man with longish black hair and a blond beard. I screamed (in the dream of course). It was very strange.

I hope my sibling continue their noisy morning routines so I can keep remembering my dreams.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Coats and Man Calendars

So… I haven’t written a blog in quite some time. But I’m back on the wagon now, so no worries. I just got back from a trip to Montana. Which, I might add was quite fun. Also, my wireless router is apparently broken or something, because I have not been able to get online from my laptop in many moons. It’s been at least one week before Montana and one week after, for a grand total of three and a half – four weeks. But I have given up hoping for my laptop to receive internet and now I have surrendered and will use my parents’ computer at least until I go back to school. I really like writing these things…

Anyway, today I did a little back to school shopping. I specifically planned to do my mall shopping at a time when no one would be there. I hate having to push through people and wait my turn to paw through the all clearance racks. So yeah, all the kids were in school and all the adults were at work. The mall was pretty empty and it was glorious. I had to walk there, but had I driven, I wouldn’t even have had to wait around for a parking spot. I didn’t really find anything worth buying in the main mall, but I bought a pair of jeans and a coat at JC Penny. I don’t usually shop there, but I decided to give it a try today and boy was glad I did. They had so many things on sale… It was wonderful. I wanted to buy so many things, but I had to stop myself. I didn’t really need them. My coat is amazing though, and it was even on sale. It has a hood that not just fits my head, but goes all the way around it. In the past, I have to admit that I have had a little trouble finding coats with hoods that fit my head. I think I must have a very large head, because every coat I have ever bought hasn’t completely been able to shelter me from the elements. It’s pretty sad actually. But no more. Now, thanks to Columbia Sportswear (for making coats with adequate hoods – even for large headed people), and JC Penny (for having a sale) I am now the proud owner of a super coat. I’m pretty excited about this coat. My mom thinks I’m kind of weird for being so excited, and maybe it is a little odd, but I don’t really care. I hope it rains every day this fall so I can wear it. And that was pretty much my shopping trip.

When I got home, I decided to make a calendar for this upcoming school year. It will be the best calendar ever. The reason behind this decision is quite complicated. It all started in the second week of June. You see, when I was moving back home from college in the beginning of this summer, my van just happened to be in the shop. My parents had to borrow a larger vehicle from my mom’s friend. Who very nicely let us use her car I might add. I packed all my things away in it, including my man calendar. Men on a Mission it was called. When we arrived at my house, somehow, it did not get unpacked and remained in my mom’s friend’s vehicle. I was devastated when I realized it was missing. Absolutely devastated. It was my favorite man calendar ever. It had almost-naked Mormon men in it. And their names and where they went in their missions and what they looked like in their regular Mormon clothes. They are all pretty darn hot. I thought the idea behind this man calendar was very cute so I bought it way back last December. It was only used for six months. But anyway, it never turned back up in my life. My mom’s friend said she lost it when she moved, but secretly, I think she kept it because it was so freaking amazing. Oh well. That is why I must make a new calendar. It will definitely still be a man calendar. However, it will have the men of my choosing in it. I plan on it being a homage to male hotness. I’m pretty excited to make it actually. It will be even better than Men on a Mission. I hope. Well actually, I know it will be better. I already made the part with the days and everything. I even looked up cool holidays and the phases of the moon and everything. It will be the real deal. I guess it’s kind of weird that I am making my own man calendar, but that doesn’t really matter. I am just really cheap and don’t want to buy one that I will only use for three months.

That was my day today. Pretty full of excitement…

Saturday, August 22, 2009

No boys = clean and quiet with no smelly feet or farting at the table

So, I had a pretty good weekend. My two brothers were gone on a camping trip with some friends, so everyone enjoyed several days of wonderful, brother free life. I should say that I really like one brother. The other one however, is somewhat annoying. Really annoying actually, but oh well. He's still pretty cool though. I guess. Anyways, our house was cleaner, much quieter and much nicer smelling. My "annoying brother" is the bane of my comfort most days. He leaves his shoes on the ground, doesn't pick up his clothes and stuffs his dirty, smelly socks under the couch cushions. His feet are also the smelliest I have ever had to smell. All this I could live with however. The worst part about this particular brother and what I missed least is his farting. He farts more than any person I have ever met. He enjoys it. He farts at the dinner table, on the couch cushions (I get so mad when he does it on the one I usually sit on...) on the people he is mad at and generally, just all over the house. It is so disgusting. He does it on purpose too. That is the part that makes me the maddest. We even had to make a rule, "No farting at the dinner table." Isn't that sad? Argh. Now he is back. I really do like him though. He just makes me want to die sometimes. Not really.

On Saturday, I woke up like at seven o'clock in the morning to go to an earlybird Fred Meyer sale. That is quite early, but I did it. I planned on getting a lot of things, and I even made a list. I bought a backpack, and printer paper, notebook paper and 20 two pocket folders. (they were 20 for one dollar, so that's why I got so many...) I am so excited for school! It doesn't start for another month, but I am prepared... I bought all my school books online like a month and a half ago. Online. The campus bookstore really makes a killing. Last year, I spent like 200 dollars on ONE book. (it was used for three terms, but still, that is a lot of money. I read that book practically every night to get my money's worth out of it.) Needless to say, I almost cried when I had to go pay for all of the ones I needed. I figured that this time around, I had better save money. So, I bought everything off Amazon! That is my new favorite website actually.

I can't really remember what else I did on Saturday. I think I might have painted on this flowerpot that I am making for someone. That's kind of sad that I can't remember. It was only two days ago, so I guess that means it wasn't anything terribly important.

On Sunday however, I had a lot of fun. Well, for me it was a lot of fun... I watched the final day of the World Track Championships. I have been watching it every day for like the past two weeks. I love watching track! It is my second favorite sport really. (my first favorite is swimming and my third favorite is baseball) My favorite race that day was the 5000 because it had Bernard Lagat in it. He is my favorite runner. Bernard Lagat is just so cool! He's really good too. He used to run for Kenya (That should tell you how good he is if you know anything about distance running...) Then, later that day, I took my two sisters to the field of our neighborhood school and we played frisbee. I am trying to teach all my siblings how to play ultimate frisbee so we can maybe have a tournament with my friend Dara (not real name) and her siblings. I have four and she has five. It has been kind of a lot of work teaching them and stuff, but it is really fun. They all make fun of me for my frisbee noises. When I play frisbee, I make really funny noises. I don't even know how I make them. But yeah, they can all throw and catch now. I've even been doing these mock games. We just try to get from one end of the field to the other. If we drop the frisbee, then we have to start over. The first time we played, we made like one point in an hour. Now we can make like three or four in an hour, so we are progressing. Quite well I think anyways.

Then, today I made pancakes for everyone with the huckleberries my brothers (or should I say brother - the "nice one")brought back from camping. They were so delicious. I have never had a huckleberry before, but I am definitely a fan. Apparently they only grow wild and no one has figured out to domesticate and farm them. Sad for society at large. You can only get them if you climb a mountain and pick them. Then, after breakfast I helped my youngest sister clean her room and closet. It took four hours. Her closet was kind of ridiculous. I helped her organize all her clothes and get them ready for school and stuff. She has more clothes than me! I was amazed. Also, Goodwill is going to be very happy, as I am going to deliver to them all of our unwanted clothes. Then, I helped her find nails and hang up her pictures. My other sister, sho she shares the room with is kind of mean and won't let her hang up any pictures. So, I made her. My youngest sister now has many pictures on her walls. She made a lot of them herself. They are pretty cool. In the course of the cleaning, I footed, one piece leopard print pajamas. I sewed them in sewing class a couple years ago. They were my first project ever. Everyone else was making easy things like purses and stuff, but I went all hard-core and made my footed one peice leopard print pajamas. Everyone was pretty jealous. At the end of the year when we did a fashion show of all the things we made at this retirement home, a lot of the old ladies said they thought they were really cool. And they were pretty darn cool if I do say so myself.

Well that was my weekend. Pretty non-eventful, but I thought I had a good time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Very First Blog Ever!

Alrighty. So, this is my very first blog ever and I'm pretty darn excited. I've never actually written a single journal entry (that hasn't been required by some dumb middle school class), so this will be quite interesting. You might ask why someone such as me, who hates writing sentimental-girly-garbage-ish-journal-type-things, might start a blog. Well, I have several reasons, so read on.

First off, it is summer and being such , it gets quite hot at night. I cannot sleep when I am hot. Two nights ago, I was lying sleepless in my hot bed, not even trying to go to sleep anymore, (my bedroom is on the second floor of my house and regretably does not have air conditioning...)when I decided to start this blog. I figured I wasn't really doing anything except lie there, so why not. I decided to turn on my computer and begin, but my computer only had like seven minutes of battery life left and I was too lazy (and hot) to get up, find the cord and walk over to my bathroom (where the only three pronged plug-in on the second floor is) and plug it in. So I gave up, but only for two days obviously.

Secondly, as I have not yet managed to acquire a job this summer, I decided that I have plenty of time to write about random stuff. I don't really have anything major to do. Maybe if the cannery called me back, or the state fair hired me or if I wanted to take back my old McDonald's job (I swore I would never work there again...) things would be different and I would not be writing this. However, I guess I would rather have some poor, un-educated single mother of three get my cannery job or clean toilets at one in the morning. I guess. I only need to buy textbooks and clothes, among some other things, which I can't think of right now.

Thirdly, I want people like my relatives who live far away and my friends that I don't get to see all that often, to kind of know what I do with myself every now and then. Just for fun. Plus, I'm pretty cool, so I'm pretty sure people will read this. Haha, just kidding.

And lastly, I really like writing about myself My life is actually quite boring and I never really do anything all that exciting, but I still have fun writing about it. I think I'm actually a slightly conceited person, but oh well. This all started at the beginning of last school year. I had just started college and my friend Deevon did something stupid and got hard-core grounded. And I'm not talking about regular old grounding, I mean DEATH grounding. She couldn't even call me or anything. So, I decided to write her letters about what I was doing in college instead. I had so much fun doing it. Much more fun that I though I would have. My letters were like six pages long. Front and back. I sent like ten of them. She never wrote me back though. Sadly. I checked my mail box like every day. Oh well though. I really hope she kept them because they were the best letters ever. Then, this summer, I decided to write letters to my roommate, Wendell. Just for fun you know. I wrote two of them. They were also really good. Quite long and chock full of details about my "juicy" summer life. I never sent them though. I think I actually threw one away and the other one is in a bag in my friend's car somewhere. Oh well. I did write them. I also have always really loved filling in those dumb myspace surveys. I know no one really ever reads them, but I like to fill them out anyways. I actually went to myspace a few times, stole a few from my myspace friends and filled them out and pasted them onto Facebook. I bet everyone hated me for doing that, but I don't really care. Wow. This paragraph about me liking to write about myself really turned out to be quite long. I guess that does mean I'm a little full of myself... Haha. Oh well. Oh yeah, and I really don't have friends named Deevon and Wendell. I just made those names up. To protect their privacy of course...

So, I guess that is it. All the reasons why I decided to start this blog. I hope it turns out to be insanely cool. I'm pretty sure it will actually. I spent like an hour figuring out the best colors for my template thing. I even looked up the html codes to program in the colors that I wanted. I probably spent way too much time on that part, but I wanted my blog to look pretty.