Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Scholarship Time! Or Not...

So, because I am not in school right now, I decided that winter break is the perfect time to write some scholarship essays. I spent like an hour about a week ago looking for ones to write. I found ten really good ones. However, they all need to get written before December 31st. I have yet to actually even start writing one. I just can't get my lazy self to start them. I know I need to. Like I really, really need to. I just can't work up the motivation. Which is quite sad, because I need to at least try to get some more money... Since I am sure tuition will balloon up some more next year. Stupid college. It is ridiculous to pay 20 thousand for in-state school. Argh. Oh well though. I guess I need to get my lazy butt into gear.

There is actually an essay I need to complete and have postmarked by five today. We will see how that goes... I guess it is only 400-600 words, but still, that is quite a lot actually. And I have to make it really good too. They have to be hard-core quality words. \I need to start researching health care right now.

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