Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Second Day of School!

So...today I had the two classes I was looking forward to the most and I am pleased to announce that they have met all my expectations. My first class of the day, was organic chemistry. I'm pretty excited for this one. The professor seems pretty nice. The class happened to be in the same lecture room as my general chem class last year. Today, I sat on the opposite side of the room and it was kind of weird, watching from a different vantage point. I think next time, I will sit on my customary side

My second class of the day was my South Asia class. I was actually kind of scared about this one, because you see, my teacher is an Indian from India and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to understand him. He barely has an accent at all! This made me super excited! And I even made a friend! Yay me! She was really nice and had really cool tattoos. And she was minoring in anthropology, same as me! And as for South Asia...I can't wait to start learning about it! Even though I didn't really like India before, I think I am a fan now.

That's it for my second day. I was supposed to have my two hour physics lab, but labs don't meet this week. Thank goodness. It is nice to be done before two o'clock. I'm really glad and sad at the same time that I don't have as many labs this year. Last year, I had a 4 hour general chem lab and a 3 hour biology lab. All year long. They were pretty fun actually, but four hours is a long time to be doing the same thing. I was so happy to hear that the only lab I have to take at all this year is only two hours long. It is a new record for me. This I am a fan of. I hope I make a friend in it too.

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