Monday, September 14, 2009

I Need to Practice Riding My Longboard.

Today I need to practice riding my longboard. I go back to school in five days and I regret to announce that I have not practiced riding my board in a very long time. It has been at least a month. This pains me very much. I cannot believe that I have allowed my lazy tendencies to get in the way of this. In the past, I have postponed riding because it was, "too hot" or "there were too many people watching". But now, I am done with excuses. Right now, all the kids are at school and all the adults are at work. It is not hot either. I have no more excuses. I need to be pro again so I don't look like a retard at school. That would be completely unacceptable. I spent a lot of money on my longboard so that I would be obliged to ride it often. I guess that didn't work. Oh well though. It's time to get back on the horse so to speak.

I used to be pretty pro before I stopped practicing... I could turn corners and go down hills (without dying) and I could even pump like four or five times in a row. It was pretty impressive actually. However, now I need to build on those little baby skills and become super pro. Anything less would be lame... and I cannot be a lame-o.

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