Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rant on My Life's Current Situation

I hate physics and stupid girls (with stupid voices that I can hear outside my door carrying on right now) and the ridiculously stupid people down my hall that have their stupid effing music blaring out its nasty, annoying, repetitive stupid retarded songs at noise levels that make me want to blow my brains out. I kind of want to walk out my door and strangle them all and yell naughty words in their faces. I hate them all and I wish they would all die. Ugh! And it doesn't help either that I have been staring at the same stupid physics problem for three days straight now and still have no idea how to do it. I have a test on Wednesday next week and I don't understand anything. I am so frustrated that I will even admit I went and cried in the shower tonight. Cries of rage and frustration I might add... I am so mad. At physics, at my stupid music blaring nasty creeper floormates, the people who invented physics, the people at my college who decided to have zoology majors take physics, and essentially anyone else who has anything to do with physics or who plays really loud stupid music. I guess I should probably calm down, but oh well. You could say I am slightly upset. I can't even really concentrate enough to write what I really want to say right now because that stupid music is going on in my background. It has been going on like this for the past hour and a half. I even went to take a really long shower in the hope that when I finished, my floor would be silent again. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed when I walked out of my bathroom and heard the music still raging on. I kind of want to make a poster that says. "I hate you and your stupid fucking music," which I would proceed to tape on their door. Now, I usually never use this type of language, and have never said the "F" word outloud as my own words, but I feel that this occasion warrants its use. I kind of hate the world right now. I am in a really bad mood.

The backstory. Well, not really. Just more ranting, but still...

Physics. I hate it with a passion. I wish the people who invented it and pioneered its use were never born. I wish their parents and grandparents and their parents and so on and so forth never existed. I thought I understood physics perfectly until I started my homework three days ago. Everything was going almost fine, not great, but just slightly below fine actually, when I got to the third problem. I couldn't do it. So I moved on to the fourth. I couldn't do it. Then I tried the fifth. And that is the one that I have been constantly trying to figure out all day today. I took little breaks to try to see if I could do any of the other problems on my homework, but lo and behold, I could not do them either! I want to die. I have never been so frustrated with my self and my ablilty to understand things. I think I am going through a small crisis.

Loud music. This I also hate with a passion. I don't think I would ordinarily mind it so much, but I think my inability to understand physics just makes my hate a million times worse. If I was trying to do calculus, I would not mind it... If I was trying to do acid-base equilibria, I would not mind it... If I was doing just about anything else, I would not even care that much at all. However, I just so happen to be doing physics right now. And I do mind the music. Quite a bit actually.

Being dumb. This one is slightly new to me, but I also hate it with a passion. I have never been dumb at something before. I have had to work quite hard to get a firm hold on several concepts (Ahem... general chemistry term numero dos...) But I have never felt as dumb as I do right now trying to understand physics. It is a new feeling and I do not like it very much. I decided just now that I am going to become best friends with the physics TA's because I need their help very much indeed.

It also doesn't help that I only got like four-ish hours of sleep last night. I volunteered like at 11:30 last night to help with parking for today's football game at 6:00am I guess I get kind of cranky when I don't get my beauty sleep. Still though.

I guess this is the end of my very first rant. It kind of fizzled away there in the end, but oh well. It was pretty rant-y in the beginning. I thought of many things to say during the course of my long shower, but since that stupid ridiculous, loud music was still playing when I got out, I forgot everything. That music makes me not concentrate very well. If it had not been playing when I got out, I doubt I would have written this long rant, but I think the music pushed me over the edge of my sanity and into rant-land.

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