Saturday, November 21, 2009

Productive Day? What?

So far today, I have done many things - and it is not yet even 8:00am! Amazing, right? I registered for classes, made scones, picked up dog poop, levelled up in Restaurant City, put in a trash bag and wrote this blog.

So yeah, I woke up today at 5:48am to register for my winter term classes. Needless to say, I was quite excited. I was finally able to register at 6:00 this morning... I had actually basically picked out my schedule like a month ago, so I was all set. I had my set of what classes to pick and when all ready to go, I signed on to my college registration website and registered away. Everything went mostly according to my plans. However, I had to register for AN EIGHT A.M. physics class. Kill me now. I already can't handle that class and now I have to wake up extra early just for it. Go me. I plan on calling the physics department Monday as soon as it opens and if I can't change this, I will just die. That's all there is to it. Oh yeah, and I could only register for 16 credits too. I forgot about this. I am going to take 19 credits this term, so I will just have to wait a week and register for that last class. It better not fill up on me.

Dog poop. I woke up, sat down at my computer this morning, looked over at the ground to my right, and guess what was looking back at me? Yeah. A big old pile of my dog's poop and a great big puddle of pee. I didn't really want to clean it at that moment in time, so I carried on registering for classes. I finally finished like 20 minutes later and I still didn't feel like picking up the mess. So I made scones instead. I finally couldn't put off this duty any longer, so I rolled up my sleeves, got an old bread bag, some napkins and some Pine Sol and got down to business. it was pretty gross.

Scones. They are delicious. or they will be. I haven't eaten them quite yet, but I plan on doing so quite soon. Like as soon as I finish this. I'm pretty excited. My scones are amazing. If I do say so myself.

Restaurant City. I started playing this game like two weeks ago I think. And I am a fan. Definitely. I'm officially level 16 now. YES! I love this game. I can just sit back and watch my people work. It's amazing.

I plan on being even more productive for the rest of the day. I decided that I am going to completely going to write my 5-8 page Anthropology paper. I'm pretty excited actually. It's about this India book I read. And I love India so I decided the essay will be fun!

Well, I am done now. I really want to eat my scones. And coffee. Yum.

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