Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Book Highlighting Party.

I highlighted my first book today. It might seem amazing that I have never before highlighted a book, but this is the truth. I guess I have just always had a healthy respect for books and have always kind of felt like a defiler of knowledge for marking up pages. This is kind of silly, but it's just the way I feel. The reason for finally breaking free of my anti-highlighter ideology was that I had to read 88 pages of one of my India books. This is many pages and I didn't really want to take 30 pages of notes by hand. This would take much time; time I do not have.

You might ask why I let 88 pages of reading pile up on my favorite subjest. This reason is also simple; I did not need this book until after the first midterm. I had somehow put the book somewhere in my room at the beginning of the term and then forgotten where I placed it. I just found the book this week. I think the momentous occasion took place on Thursday, but I'm not sure... It was in my physics drawer in my desk. I do not know why I placed a book for a subject I love in the same drawer as the subject that I hate most in the world, but I did. This is perhaps the reason I did not find this book until a few days ago. I try to avoid looking in my physics drawer as much as possible. I tried to separate it from the rest of my subjects. It is death and deserves a separate spot.

Anyways, backstory aside, I do not think I will ever again highlight a book. I just feel terrible about it. This is kind of stupid because the act of highlighting has saved me much time and effort. However, I still cannot reconcile the act of defiling a book. In my head I just cannot get past this. I don't really know why. I am looking at the book right now and I feel kind of bad. Oh well though. I just think books are too valuable to mark on.

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