Monday, November 30, 2009

Bathroom Tile and Road Curves

Finals are coming up for me (next week to be precise) and I have been doing a lot of studying lately. I am definitely beginning to think it is starting to affect my life. Just the other day for example, I was driving back to college and my car was going around a curve. I immediately thought of physics and how when you go around a curve, centripetal acceleration pulls you inwards and its force = mv2/r. I hate physics, so I felt kind of bad for thinking this, but at least it shows that I know what is going on in a curve situation.

And today, I went to the bathroom in the English/Psychology building. I just happened to look down at the floor and I saw the tiles made up a honeycomb-like pattern. It was a bunch of hexagons all stuck together. I thought to myself, "Boy, those tiles sure do look like cyclohexane molecules..." and then immediately afterward, I was like, "Oh my goodness. I can't believe I just thought that". I felt really nerdy. I couldn't believe it. Oh well though. Just before I left for class that day, I had been drawing a mechanism for a chemistry reaction involving a cyclohexane. So, I guess it makes sense that that would come to my mind.

I remember that last year, I even had a couple of dreams about finals and studying. My roommate even said that one time I talked to myself in my sleep and I said something like, “Is that going to be on the test?” Haha, I am so weird. Maybe I should just take a break. 

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