Monday, September 21, 2009

Things I Need to Get Used To.

So, I am officially moved back into college. That being said, there are numerous things that I have to reaccustom myself to.

Numero Uno: Living on a new, co-ed floor.
This is wonderful! Boys are my next door neighbors! They are probably freshman, but still. That is besides the point. Everyone is so friendly and nice. Such a change from my last hall. Last year, I accidentally signed up for an all girls floor. I picked out the perfect room. Close to the stairs, close to the fun lounge, the study lounge and the bathroom. But not close enough to hear people going up and down the stairs and into and out of the bathroom. It was the perfect location... but on an ALL GIRLS FLOOR! So not the perfet location at all. Quite the opposite actually. Everyone was mean and antisocial and the girls living across from me had a stinky room. I didn't even know the names of my neighbors. Isn't that sad? Oh well, the times of all-girl living are finally over. I have a feeling that this year will be a very good year for friend making. Hopefully anyways.

Numero Dos: Living on a higher floor.
I am living in the exact same room, just one floor up this year. (my room location is just so great...) So, my view is a little different. The tree in front of my window looks a lot more branchy, and the roof of my dining center is below my window, intead of on the same level-ish. This sounds like a lame thing to get used to, but I don't really care. Also, when going up the stairs, I always kind of want to turn onto the floor below me, where I used to live. I have to think really hard to keep on going up to my real room. Then, when I open the door to go onto my floor, the door is substantially heavier. I don't know why this is, but it will take some getting used to I guess. It doesn't make sense that identical doors in a dorm building should have different weights, but they do.

Numero Tres: Bathrooms - showers and toilet paper.
I'm pretty sure I get a little spoiled when I go home, because my parents buy really nice, soft, thick, two ply toilet paper. Which I am a definite fan of by the way. Anyway, here, they have that really thin, industrial single ply toilet paper. Which I am most definitely not a fan of. It will take some getting used to. In addition, the water pressure of the showers is a lot higher than the water pressure at my house. It comes out a lot harder. I kind of like the high water pressure though. I always feel like I get really clean in a faster amount of time. Kind of silly, I know. The showers on my new floor are also different from the ones on my old floor. The one I used last night had no shower caddy to put my shampoo and stuff. This really annoyed me, because I had to put it on the ground and had to bend down to grab it. I really hope the other showers have shower caddies. I will have to investigate this. Oh yeah, and the one I used last night was either really mildewy or the tile grout changed colors from black to white about halfway up. I am hoping it is the latter of the two. I try not to think about the first, because that is really disgusting.

Numero Cuatro: Not living in a house full of siblings.
It is much quieter.

Numero Cinco: having to walk everywhere.
I actually really like having to walk everywhere. It is really nice. I love to walk around. Don't get me wrong, I love driving places too, but walking is equally fun.

Numero Seis: Having cute boys all around.
I kind of went through cute boy withdrawal when I went home for summer vacation. I went from seeing them all the time at college to not even seeing barely one a week. It was so sad. But now that I am here, I am kind of overwhelmed. Surprisingly. I guess it was just a shocker to go from seeing none to seeing a million. They are everywhere and it is wonderful. I think after a couple of days, this feeling will go away. I really love college.

I think that is basically it. These are all the things I have to get used to right now. Everything else is pretty much the same as ever.

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