Saturday, August 22, 2009

No boys = clean and quiet with no smelly feet or farting at the table

So, I had a pretty good weekend. My two brothers were gone on a camping trip with some friends, so everyone enjoyed several days of wonderful, brother free life. I should say that I really like one brother. The other one however, is somewhat annoying. Really annoying actually, but oh well. He's still pretty cool though. I guess. Anyways, our house was cleaner, much quieter and much nicer smelling. My "annoying brother" is the bane of my comfort most days. He leaves his shoes on the ground, doesn't pick up his clothes and stuffs his dirty, smelly socks under the couch cushions. His feet are also the smelliest I have ever had to smell. All this I could live with however. The worst part about this particular brother and what I missed least is his farting. He farts more than any person I have ever met. He enjoys it. He farts at the dinner table, on the couch cushions (I get so mad when he does it on the one I usually sit on...) on the people he is mad at and generally, just all over the house. It is so disgusting. He does it on purpose too. That is the part that makes me the maddest. We even had to make a rule, "No farting at the dinner table." Isn't that sad? Argh. Now he is back. I really do like him though. He just makes me want to die sometimes. Not really.

On Saturday, I woke up like at seven o'clock in the morning to go to an earlybird Fred Meyer sale. That is quite early, but I did it. I planned on getting a lot of things, and I even made a list. I bought a backpack, and printer paper, notebook paper and 20 two pocket folders. (they were 20 for one dollar, so that's why I got so many...) I am so excited for school! It doesn't start for another month, but I am prepared... I bought all my school books online like a month and a half ago. Online. The campus bookstore really makes a killing. Last year, I spent like 200 dollars on ONE book. (it was used for three terms, but still, that is a lot of money. I read that book practically every night to get my money's worth out of it.) Needless to say, I almost cried when I had to go pay for all of the ones I needed. I figured that this time around, I had better save money. So, I bought everything off Amazon! That is my new favorite website actually.

I can't really remember what else I did on Saturday. I think I might have painted on this flowerpot that I am making for someone. That's kind of sad that I can't remember. It was only two days ago, so I guess that means it wasn't anything terribly important.

On Sunday however, I had a lot of fun. Well, for me it was a lot of fun... I watched the final day of the World Track Championships. I have been watching it every day for like the past two weeks. I love watching track! It is my second favorite sport really. (my first favorite is swimming and my third favorite is baseball) My favorite race that day was the 5000 because it had Bernard Lagat in it. He is my favorite runner. Bernard Lagat is just so cool! He's really good too. He used to run for Kenya (That should tell you how good he is if you know anything about distance running...) Then, later that day, I took my two sisters to the field of our neighborhood school and we played frisbee. I am trying to teach all my siblings how to play ultimate frisbee so we can maybe have a tournament with my friend Dara (not real name) and her siblings. I have four and she has five. It has been kind of a lot of work teaching them and stuff, but it is really fun. They all make fun of me for my frisbee noises. When I play frisbee, I make really funny noises. I don't even know how I make them. But yeah, they can all throw and catch now. I've even been doing these mock games. We just try to get from one end of the field to the other. If we drop the frisbee, then we have to start over. The first time we played, we made like one point in an hour. Now we can make like three or four in an hour, so we are progressing. Quite well I think anyways.

Then, today I made pancakes for everyone with the huckleberries my brothers (or should I say brother - the "nice one")brought back from camping. They were so delicious. I have never had a huckleberry before, but I am definitely a fan. Apparently they only grow wild and no one has figured out to domesticate and farm them. Sad for society at large. You can only get them if you climb a mountain and pick them. Then, after breakfast I helped my youngest sister clean her room and closet. It took four hours. Her closet was kind of ridiculous. I helped her organize all her clothes and get them ready for school and stuff. She has more clothes than me! I was amazed. Also, Goodwill is going to be very happy, as I am going to deliver to them all of our unwanted clothes. Then, I helped her find nails and hang up her pictures. My other sister, sho she shares the room with is kind of mean and won't let her hang up any pictures. So, I made her. My youngest sister now has many pictures on her walls. She made a lot of them herself. They are pretty cool. In the course of the cleaning, I footed, one piece leopard print pajamas. I sewed them in sewing class a couple years ago. They were my first project ever. Everyone else was making easy things like purses and stuff, but I went all hard-core and made my footed one peice leopard print pajamas. Everyone was pretty jealous. At the end of the year when we did a fashion show of all the things we made at this retirement home, a lot of the old ladies said they thought they were really cool. And they were pretty darn cool if I do say so myself.

Well that was my weekend. Pretty non-eventful, but I thought I had a good time.

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