Thursday, August 20, 2009

Very First Blog Ever!

Alrighty. So, this is my very first blog ever and I'm pretty darn excited. I've never actually written a single journal entry (that hasn't been required by some dumb middle school class), so this will be quite interesting. You might ask why someone such as me, who hates writing sentimental-girly-garbage-ish-journal-type-things, might start a blog. Well, I have several reasons, so read on.

First off, it is summer and being such , it gets quite hot at night. I cannot sleep when I am hot. Two nights ago, I was lying sleepless in my hot bed, not even trying to go to sleep anymore, (my bedroom is on the second floor of my house and regretably does not have air conditioning...)when I decided to start this blog. I figured I wasn't really doing anything except lie there, so why not. I decided to turn on my computer and begin, but my computer only had like seven minutes of battery life left and I was too lazy (and hot) to get up, find the cord and walk over to my bathroom (where the only three pronged plug-in on the second floor is) and plug it in. So I gave up, but only for two days obviously.

Secondly, as I have not yet managed to acquire a job this summer, I decided that I have plenty of time to write about random stuff. I don't really have anything major to do. Maybe if the cannery called me back, or the state fair hired me or if I wanted to take back my old McDonald's job (I swore I would never work there again...) things would be different and I would not be writing this. However, I guess I would rather have some poor, un-educated single mother of three get my cannery job or clean toilets at one in the morning. I guess. I only need to buy textbooks and clothes, among some other things, which I can't think of right now.

Thirdly, I want people like my relatives who live far away and my friends that I don't get to see all that often, to kind of know what I do with myself every now and then. Just for fun. Plus, I'm pretty cool, so I'm pretty sure people will read this. Haha, just kidding.

And lastly, I really like writing about myself My life is actually quite boring and I never really do anything all that exciting, but I still have fun writing about it. I think I'm actually a slightly conceited person, but oh well. This all started at the beginning of last school year. I had just started college and my friend Deevon did something stupid and got hard-core grounded. And I'm not talking about regular old grounding, I mean DEATH grounding. She couldn't even call me or anything. So, I decided to write her letters about what I was doing in college instead. I had so much fun doing it. Much more fun that I though I would have. My letters were like six pages long. Front and back. I sent like ten of them. She never wrote me back though. Sadly. I checked my mail box like every day. Oh well though. I really hope she kept them because they were the best letters ever. Then, this summer, I decided to write letters to my roommate, Wendell. Just for fun you know. I wrote two of them. They were also really good. Quite long and chock full of details about my "juicy" summer life. I never sent them though. I think I actually threw one away and the other one is in a bag in my friend's car somewhere. Oh well. I did write them. I also have always really loved filling in those dumb myspace surveys. I know no one really ever reads them, but I like to fill them out anyways. I actually went to myspace a few times, stole a few from my myspace friends and filled them out and pasted them onto Facebook. I bet everyone hated me for doing that, but I don't really care. Wow. This paragraph about me liking to write about myself really turned out to be quite long. I guess that does mean I'm a little full of myself... Haha. Oh well. Oh yeah, and I really don't have friends named Deevon and Wendell. I just made those names up. To protect their privacy of course...

So, I guess that is it. All the reasons why I decided to start this blog. I hope it turns out to be insanely cool. I'm pretty sure it will actually. I spent like an hour figuring out the best colors for my template thing. I even looked up the html codes to program in the colors that I wanted. I probably spent way too much time on that part, but I wanted my blog to look pretty.

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