Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vigorous Brushing.

So today I went to the dentist. For the third time ever. I kind of like going to the dentist. I guess it's still kind of a novelty thing, but hey, I'm still a fan. I got my teeth x-rayed, cleaned, polished and flouride-ed. It was quite fun, I must say. I didn't have any cavities or anything. (I have never had a cavity before! yay me!) My wisdom teeth have yet to make an appearance though. When I learned this, it made me kind of sad. I was kind of hoping they would have sprouted or something already, but oh well. They are straight and stuff, so they will not have to be pulled out. Thank you Jesus. Oh yeah, I learned that I am a vigourous brusher and that I must stop brushing so hard or else I will need a gum graft in five years. That would be unacceptable. I'm pretty sure that I looked pretty darn horrified when the dentist told me about this problem. It makes me kind of sad though because I can no longer use whitening toothpaste. "It's too abrasive..." I drink much coffee and so for the past year and a half have been using extra whitening toothpaste only. You know, to balance out the staining. I guess my teeth will simply have to yellow away. I would rather have yellow teeth than a gum graft. Yikes. The dentist even showed me how to brush properly. Well actually she showed me the correct pressure to apply. I already know how to brush my teeth...

So yeah, that was my trip to the dentist. I thought it went pretty well. Except for the whole brushing hard thing I guess. But at least I had no plaque.

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