Sunday, December 6, 2009


Oh man. Over the past two days I have re-read and re-taken notes from 313 pages of my physics book. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and yet I kind of want to kill myself at the same time. In the end, I was able to condense 10 weeks of class, 10 chapters and over 300 pages of reading into 4 computer paper sheets; front and back of course. I think this is pretty darn impressive actually. It took me probably more than 10 hours, but who is counting? I just wish I could haul those eight pages into my final tomorrow morning. At 7:30. AM. Oh man. Somehow I need to condense this god-awful material even farther. I have to either reduce the sheer bulk of information by three quarters, or else shrink the size of my writing to one fourth of its current size. I must say, I am leaning toward the latter of these two options. I think it would be much wiser actually. This will probably take me another two hours or so. I have to concentrate really hard in order to write so extremely small and still have my writing be legible and flow in straight lines. Not looking forward to this task.

And, a note on the time of this physics final. 7:30 am? Please. I hate whoever came up with this terrible time. I wish I could find out their name and write them a little note. Let's just say, to "express my gratitude". I will be so happy come tomorrow morning at 9:20. I will have a whole three and a half weeks of physics-free glory before coming back and having to take one more term. Oh man. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to the day, 103 days from now, when I can finally be done. I actually plan on making a countdown. you know, like one of those little stacks of paper with numbers on them that you can tear off a sheet every day? I am going to make one of those during winter break. And it will probably most likely be the most amazing one ever.

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