Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pull-Out-Desk Success? We Shall See...

I spent like twenty minutes today trying to put my pull-out-desk tray back together. I think I finally succeeded, but we shall see. The darn thing broke like a month ago. Even after a month of not having it, I still would go down and try to pull it out. It wasn't there, but I kept thinking it was. I loved my pull-out-desk tray. I used it for basically everything I ever did. I ate on it, I did my homework on it, I put my feet on it while I watched tv on my computer, I set important things on it... I lived my life on that pull-out-desk tray. That being said, I was devastated when I was doing stuff on it one day and it broke. It was like losing a dear friend...

I finally had enough of not having it today, and also having a lot of free time today, I decided to get my mechanical skills on and try to fix my desk. I am pleased to report that I believe I solved the problem. To celebrate, I have my elbows resting on it right now, as I write this. And after I post this, I will attempt to do my 15 page physics homework. I feel quite rejuvenated now. Maybe I can solve my physics problems too. I seriously doubt this, but it might be a possiblity. I am on a figuring-things-out roll right now.

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