Monday, September 28, 2009

First Day of School!

Today I had my first day of school and it was wonderful! I only had two classes and a recitation. Amazing. My first class of the day was physics. My professor's name is Chris Coffin. I think that is a funny name. But anyways, I think that will be an alright class. I'm not too too excited though, because I have never heard good things said about things pertaining to physics. I have never taken such a class before, but as my major is in the college of science, I am forced to take it. My major does not have much to do with physics, but oh well. Mr. Coffin said that it is not about memorizing facts, but instead, is about learning like five main principles and applying them to everything else. I must admit, this kind of scared me. I love memorizing facts. I don't know how this will go exactly, but I guess I will find out.

My second class of the day was called writing and media. I think it will be the easiest class in the history of college. However, I must divulge several things that really bothered me today. First of all, the entire class is made up of girls. Not good. There were only like six guys in a class of forty ish. I do not have very good luck it would seem. Also, secondly, there is a girl with the most annoying voice I have ever heard. She volunteered an answer to something, and the moment her mouth opened, I wanted to shoot myself. Literally. I have never heard a voice that annoying in my whole life. Ever. And I can tell that she will probably be speaking quit often. She is one of "those" people. I think she is in a sorority, but I'm not sure. I hate her.

My third class of the day was my organic chemisry recitation. I think that class will be quite awesome. My friend's roommate is in it (so I have a friend...) and my TA is super cute. He is Indian (from India, not a native american). And he has the cutest accent ever, and he seems really excited about chemistry (which makes me excited too...). He also has a really cute smile, which he uses a lot. It's one of those smiles that can light up a room. I am a major fan. I think I am going to like organic chemistry quite a bit. I can already tell.

I am so excited for this school year!

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