Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a Minor Annoyance...

So, none of the showers on my floor have those little shower racks that hold shower supplies. This makes me really upset. I have to put my shampoo and stuff on the little bench next to my clothes. Then, while taking a shower, I have to point the nozzle away from the shower curtain, open the shower curtain, reach way over to the little bench and grab my stuff. I then have to applysaid stuff, put it back on the bench, shut the shower curtain and point the shower nozzle back at myself. it is the biggest hassle ever and I hate it. And usually, either my clothes or my towel get slightly wet. It is quite unfortunate.

For the past three days, I have used a different shower; each time in the hopes of finding one with a shower rack. My last hope was exhausted today(except for the disabled stall which I only use for shaving...). I used to look forward to shower time, but it is no longer fun for me. I think I might install a shower rack in one of the stalls. That would solve my problem. Or I could go down to my old floor and use their showers. Which I might add, were WAY nicer.

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