Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Scholarship Time! Or Not...

So, because I am not in school right now, I decided that winter break is the perfect time to write some scholarship essays. I spent like an hour about a week ago looking for ones to write. I found ten really good ones. However, they all need to get written before December 31st. I have yet to actually even start writing one. I just can't get my lazy self to start them. I know I need to. Like I really, really need to. I just can't work up the motivation. Which is quite sad, because I need to at least try to get some more money... Since I am sure tuition will balloon up some more next year. Stupid college. It is ridiculous to pay 20 thousand for in-state school. Argh. Oh well though. I guess I need to get my lazy butt into gear.

There is actually an essay I need to complete and have postmarked by five today. We will see how that goes... I guess it is only 400-600 words, but still, that is quite a lot actually. And I have to make it really good too. They have to be hard-core quality words. \I need to start researching health care right now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Going Home Today!

Yay! Today I am going home! This term has both dragged on forever and blasted through like a steam engine. I am so glad it is finally over and am looking forward to going home quite a lot. Haha, that being said, I am leaving today around three and I have yet to pack a single thing. Oh man. It is probably going to suck a lot trying to pack everything and clean everything at the same time. This is pretty gross, but I have probably only swept my room like twice all term. I think my roommate did it once as well, but I am not sure. Not looking forward to cleaning... I did go through and organize all my school stuff and my desk drawers however. That won't need to be done.

I didn't get to sell back any of my testbooks this term. That made me a little sad. I was going through all my stuff and I noticed that I still had ALL of my books. I need my o-chem book all year, I want to keep my Asia books, I'm letting a friend borrow my writing book next term and apparently I am not able to sell back my physics book, When I found that out, I was a little sad. I had my exam at seven thirty in the morning on Monday, and immediately afterward, I walked over to theplace where you can sell your books back. Yeah, they wouldn't take it. Apparently, my instructor might not use this book next year for physics. He had a special deal to get our textbook published in four separate editions instead of one big book because it wasn't published yet when school started. Argh. Oh well. Now I have an eighty dollar softcover book that I will never be able to sell because it is a custom edition for my college and if it is not used next year, it will be useless. If I can't sell it back next year, I am going to burn it. Haha. That will be a great day...

So anyways. Going home! So excited! No school for three weeks. No complications or anything. I will just be able to hang out with my family and my friends. All day. Yes!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I just had the most wondrous laundry experience. It was kind of a good karma type of thing. (Although, I learned in my Asia class that there is no such thing as good/bad karma. A bunch of crazy Americans just made that term up a while back. It just happened to stick. Karma is actually the way you live your life as compared to the way your life was prescripted to be lived...) But anyway, back to my amazing laundry story. I had just gotten down there, and lo and behold, I found I had missed the dryer train - all the dryers had like 45 minutes left on them. However, there was one dryer that only had 11 minutes to go. I decided to stay down there in case someone came along and tried to take my clothes out of my washer.

Well, I am glad I stayed, because five minutes into my wait, some guy came down and had a bag of clothes. I very nicely asked him if he needed two washers (as there was only one free plus mine that I was waiting to put in a dryer) He said that indeed, he did need two. So I, being the nice person that I am, took my wet clothes out for him so he could use my washer. He looked very happy. He then left. I still had five minutes left of my wait, so I decided to use this time wisely and had a little look into the give away bin because it looked pretty full. I found this really cute shirt. But it had a weird stain on it, so I decided to take it anyways and wash it to see if the stain came out. By the time I was done looking, the dryer that I had been waiting for was finally done. But, since I am a firm believer in courtesy minutes, (giving an extra five minutes to the person after their clothes finish...) I decided to wait an additional five minutes.

I am really glad I did. Because this other boy came down (he had one minute to go by the way) and walked over to my dryer and began to take his clothes out. "Halelujah!" I thought to myself. But then, he felt his clothes and was like, "Oh man, they're still wet." Then he looked over to me and asked if I was waiting for a dryer. I replied yes, and he said I could have his dryer anyway. I asked him if he was sure, and he said yeah. So I was like, "YAY!" And I put my clothes in. And that is the end of my story,

In the end, three very good things happened to me this night. All because I was nice to two people. And it only took 16 minutes of my time. Karma. In the American sense, it works.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Clunky People.

Last night I was really trying to go to sleep, but I kept hearing this clunky person going up and down the hall above my room. It went on for quite some time. I don't know why this person was so loud. They must have been either really fat or clunking on purpose. I'm pretty sure it was the same person too. The footsteps all sounded the same and they had the same loudness quality. I didn't really appreciate this person's noise at all. It is supposed to be 22 hour quiet hours this week because of finals, but people have been louder this week than they have all term. I don't really understand this. People should be studying in their rooms. Quietly. Not talking outside my door or clunking up and down halls. I hear them talking to each other and slamming their doors and walking all around outside my door. Oh man. Too noisy. I had to turn my fan on its loudest setting last night to drown out all their noises. Oh well though. I guess I only have three of four more nights here of listening to them. Haha.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Oh man. Over the past two days I have re-read and re-taken notes from 313 pages of my physics book. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment and yet I kind of want to kill myself at the same time. In the end, I was able to condense 10 weeks of class, 10 chapters and over 300 pages of reading into 4 computer paper sheets; front and back of course. I think this is pretty darn impressive actually. It took me probably more than 10 hours, but who is counting? I just wish I could haul those eight pages into my final tomorrow morning. At 7:30. AM. Oh man. Somehow I need to condense this god-awful material even farther. I have to either reduce the sheer bulk of information by three quarters, or else shrink the size of my writing to one fourth of its current size. I must say, I am leaning toward the latter of these two options. I think it would be much wiser actually. This will probably take me another two hours or so. I have to concentrate really hard in order to write so extremely small and still have my writing be legible and flow in straight lines. Not looking forward to this task.

And, a note on the time of this physics final. 7:30 am? Please. I hate whoever came up with this terrible time. I wish I could find out their name and write them a little note. Let's just say, to "express my gratitude". I will be so happy come tomorrow morning at 9:20. I will have a whole three and a half weeks of physics-free glory before coming back and having to take one more term. Oh man. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to the day, 103 days from now, when I can finally be done. I actually plan on making a countdown. you know, like one of those little stacks of paper with numbers on them that you can tear off a sheet every day? I am going to make one of those during winter break. And it will probably most likely be the most amazing one ever.