Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heater Trouble.

Guess what woke me up this morning? A combination of train and heater. At seven o'clock. Ugh. I wanted to die. Today was supposed to be my nice, relaxing day and I was supposed to sleep in til noon. Unfortunately, this did not come to pass.

I woke up at seven(which is the time I usually get up you see...) and I heard a train go by. I really don't understand why they have to honk their darn horns so many times. But I swear, this train honked its horn like once every ten or fifteen seconds. I was not phased by this train ruckus and was preparing to go back to sleep when I heard... Clunk Clunk Clunk. It was my stupid heater. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did, but just when I thought the clunking and banging was over, it would start up again. It was so annoying and it was making me really, really mad. I finally gave up around nine thirty. The heater won. I hate it.

This year, I have not really had a problem with my heater, until now that is. My roommate and I have it permanently off actually. I don't understand why it is choosing now to bang around all the time. I don't even understand why it makes these stupid noises. It made the occasional clank and bang until this week,but now it's really starting to get going. A few nights ago, it started clanging around ten. It did not stop the whole night. Needless to say, I was slightly grumpy the next morning. This is going to have to stop. I am going to talk to my RA today to see if there is any way to fix this monstrosity that is my heater. If they can't help me, then I am going to rent a screwdriver from them and open up the grate myself to see what is going on down there. A few clanks and bangs every now and then does not bother me. It is just the incessant noise that does and it is not acceptable.

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