Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heater Trouble.

Guess what woke me up this morning? A combination of train and heater. At seven o'clock. Ugh. I wanted to die. Today was supposed to be my nice, relaxing day and I was supposed to sleep in til noon. Unfortunately, this did not come to pass.

I woke up at seven(which is the time I usually get up you see...) and I heard a train go by. I really don't understand why they have to honk their darn horns so many times. But I swear, this train honked its horn like once every ten or fifteen seconds. I was not phased by this train ruckus and was preparing to go back to sleep when I heard... Clunk Clunk Clunk. It was my stupid heater. I tried to go back to sleep, I really did, but just when I thought the clunking and banging was over, it would start up again. It was so annoying and it was making me really, really mad. I finally gave up around nine thirty. The heater won. I hate it.

This year, I have not really had a problem with my heater, until now that is. My roommate and I have it permanently off actually. I don't understand why it is choosing now to bang around all the time. I don't even understand why it makes these stupid noises. It made the occasional clank and bang until this week,but now it's really starting to get going. A few nights ago, it started clanging around ten. It did not stop the whole night. Needless to say, I was slightly grumpy the next morning. This is going to have to stop. I am going to talk to my RA today to see if there is any way to fix this monstrosity that is my heater. If they can't help me, then I am going to rent a screwdriver from them and open up the grate myself to see what is going on down there. A few clanks and bangs every now and then does not bother me. It is just the incessant noise that does and it is not acceptable.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Test of the Term

So, tonight I had my first test of the term. Can you guess what it was? Yeah. That's right... Physics. Death, I swear. But anyways, it was terrible in several ways. First of all, I had to walk a long way to get to the location of said test. Of course, it had to be way on the other side of campus. So, once I got there, I discovered that my test proctor was a girl. Last term, I had the hottest guy TA ever proctoring my exams. It was wonderful. Since I am so bad at physics, I spent a lot of time looking off into space and trying to figure out what was going on. Naturally, I always seemed to end up staring at Mr. Hot TA. I thought of him as a little present that Jesus decided to give me for being forced to take physics.

After I spent twelve whole minutes walking out to my building and after finding out I had a girl proctor, I was a little put out. When I got my test booklet, I got even more depressed. I couldn't really do half the problems. Haha, I think I kept sighing and making sad noises out loud because the proctor kept looking at me with kind of a concerned, pitying look on her face. Oh well though. Now I guess I will need to go get some help. I can't start off the term getting F's...

On a lighter note, today I noticed something kind of cool about my Writing and Business teacher. She is basically like the funniest person ever. She has this weird patch of black hair on the underside of her chin/neck region, but oh well. She is still super cool. Today, I noticed that she was wearing a Frida Kahlo pendant. I myself am a Frida fan. I cannot deny Frida's awesomeness and I thought it was pretty cool that my teacher likes her as well.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Three People I Hadn't Seen in a Long Time.

Today was a very interesting day. I saw three people that I had not seen in a while.
The first was an old "friend" of mine, Spicy Jesus. The second was my old math TA, Brian Sherson and the third and final person I saw today was Joy, a "cleaning lady".

All three of these events were quite out of the ordinary. I actually really miss Spicy Jesus. I can't remember his real name, but I will tell the story of how I met him. One day in mid-February, my roommate at the time and I were making a cake to celebrate our joint birthday. We walked into our dorm's small communal kitchen and Spicy Jesus was in there waiting for us. In a cloud of horrifying, cough inducing habanero pepper smoke. I couldn't breathe because I was coughing so much. I had to exit the kitchen immediately. And that is where the "Spicy" comes from. We had seen him around our dorm and in the kitchen before, but never before had we experienced the full on spicy-ness. Oh yeah, and he always wore these green army cargo pants and this green jacket thing with boots. He also has long Jesus-like hair complete with a beard. That is where the "Jesus" comes from. I've never spoken to him before, but he was one of those people that you constantly see around. I kind of liked him; his presence was comforting in a way I guess you could say. But anyway, he was a senior last year and I thought I would never see him again. Haha, I was wrong! I saw him today.

Brian Sherson was my old Integral Calculus TA. And let's just say that he will never win World's Strongest Man or Mr. Universe. I felt kind of bad for him because he was quite unattractive. And sometimes he smelled kind of bad. But he was pretty nice. One time, he let me turn in a math assignment that was slightly late. I also thought I would never see him again after last year, but see him again I have. In the words of Master Yoda of course.

Joy is nice. She is the cleaning lady at my local dining center. The one just to the side of my dorm. When she cleans, she kind of hums to herself. I think she has downs syndrome. Today, I was coming home from Fred Meyer where I had recently purchased several items. She got on the bus and sat directly behind me where she proceeded to hum. I always feel kind of awkward when I hear this hum and today was no different I guess.

Well there you have it, my surprising day of seeing people. That's all for now.

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Been a While...

So yeah. Wow. I have not done one of these in quite a long time. I had to actually re-log in to Blogger it has been so long. I was kind of little bit peeved about this actually. I had kind of forgotten my password. Haha, it took me like three tries to finally get it right. But anyways, I am back.

I guess I should talk about my classes, since I just started a whole new term.

First thing in the morning, I would just like to say that I have physics. At 8:oo. Go me. Although, I think we are going to learn about fluids and gases and stuff that I learned last year in general chemistry. Hopefully this term will go better than last year. My goal is a B- this time around. I plan on moving up.

Then, next I have archaeology. Thank you Jesus for archaeology. It really brightens up my day. I love it. Plus, there is this cute boy in it. The first two lectures, I didn't sit by him, but today I did. And he was even cuter close up. Haha, the chairs are really close in that class so that was even nicer if you know what I mean... I plan on talking to him next. But that said, I am looking forward to this class immensely. The first lecture, he talked about combining disciplines with archaeology and the one he used as an example was zoology. That is my major! So I took it as a sign from Jesus that archaeology might be in my future. Just maybe. I do like to dig stuff up. I am defnitely a fan.

After archaeology, I have statistics. I love my teacher. He is so cool. I feel like he would be a really nice person to be friends with. If I was older and a guy of course. I don't plan on getting too chummy with him. I love statistics as well. It seems really fun so far. And my TA is American and talks English. Which is quite helpful.

Then, after statistics, I have organic chemistry. My favorite! I love it so much. And I love my teacher. He is so cool as well. He is young and from Canada and a really good lecturer. One time I saw him walking with his wife pushing a baby carriage. It was so cute! And organic chem is awesome by the way. Everyone who hates it is stupid.

Finally ending my day, I have business writing. My teacher's name is Julie and she has a beard. She also is very cool. She's really funny and actually one of my favorite teachers. I don't really like business or writing, but oh well. I heard this class was kind of easy and I really didn't want to take public speaking. At all. This was basically my only option.

So there you have it. All of my classes. Minus labs and recitations of course. but I guess looking over what I have written so far, this term is actually not completely the worst term ever. I love all my classes and teachers except physics. I guess that is the only thing that brings this term down. But still, that is a substantial chunk of unpleasantness. Argh. That was me issuing a primal yell of hate against everything physics. I guess I'm actually basically looking forward to this term and I don't think it will be that bad at all, sans physics of course.

And, I'm doing this thing where I give my notes to disabled kids and get paid. I'm so excited. I'm doing it for two of my classes. My two most favorite actually... Archaeology and organic chemistry. I get paid like 34 dollars a credit hour, so I will get 238 dollars at the end of this term. Just for doing what I normally do - take amazingly excellent notes. I seriously take really god notes. Basically they're the best ever. If I do say so myself.

Oh yeah. And I bought a huge 35 pack of gum today. It was enormous.