Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hmmm. I have been going to Catholic church for a while, and I have to say I am a fan. This may just be because it is a new religious environment for me, but I would like to think it's because I truly like Catholicism. I was taking a shower a few minutes ago and found myself singing this Latin church song that we sang tonight. At first, I was like, "Hmmm, it's kind of funny that I am belting this out in the shower..." But then after a while, it was still stuck in my head and I just gave up trying not to sing it. Therefore, I decided to make a list of everything i like about Catholicism. I actually kind of like making lists, so here I go.

1.) I like all the ceremony. The priests dress up in cool robes and at the very beginning of church, the main priest comes in bearing this cool fancy Bible over his head as the choir sings a very joyful type of song. Then, following him, the next highest priest comes along (I don't know exactly what this title is called, but oh well) and he carries in this cross with Jesus on it that's on a stick. It's all very beautiful and they are so reverent and humble. I really like it. And they have lighted candles on stage and everything looks really pretty.

2.) The ritualized behavior. Everyone always knows the exact thing to say or do at the exact time. There are certain sayings you say after the priest says a certain thing and certin signs you perform at a given "cue". It is all pretty neat. I also really like how when the people come in to the sanctuary, they all bow and cross themselves and say a silent little prayer. I think this act of love for God is also very beautiful ad it is not something I grew up seeing in evangelical church. I really like the whole Caholic behavior and how they humble themselves before God. I think it is really nice. I want to learn how to do this so I do not look like such a loser when I walk in and stuff.

3.) There is this basin of holy water with a baptismal basin full of holy water. I think this is so cool! I had never even seen holy water before I came to Catholic church. To be honest, I thought it was one of those quaint little things you see in movies or read about in vampire books. I was very pleasantly surprised when a few weeks ago, the priest announced that the baptismal basin was indeed full of holy water.

4.) The fellowship shared by all Catholics. On any given Sunday, most churches sing the same songs out of this book that has what to do each service for the whole year in it. I can't remember what this book is called, but I think it's cool that everything is so coordinated. At first, I thought this was a bad thing, that allowed no creativity in worship, but now I have come to realize that the priests are free to have a lesson on whatever they want on top of the readings given in the book. This book also has like every Catholic song ever. And that is so cool! Each song has the sheet music too, so even if you don't know the song, you can kind of read the music and know the notes to sing and all the timing and stuff.

5.) All the mantras (for lack of a better word). I'm sure there is a correct term for this, but several times in each service the whole mass stands up and says the same thing in the same voice. I know for a fact that they say the Lord's prayer each service (which is awesome, because I know this and can say it with them...) and like two other long passages. I can't really remember what they are about though, but I still think it's pretty great that they all say the same thing at the same time. I always feel really good when I can recite the Lord's prayer with them. It really makes me feel like part of the group. I guess I really like routine and saying these things each service is kind of comforting and nice. I like it a lot.

6.) Swing down kneeling bars. These are pretty much the coolest things ever. I really like them. Several times throughour the service, everyone gets down on their knees and they whip out these little kneeling bars. They are really comfortable and nice. I never really got to kneel at Christian church and I really like the change. it sounds kind of silly, but I kind of feel closer to God when I kneel. And it doesn't hurt that it is kind of fun too.

7.) The eucharist. Catholics take communion every Sunday. I think this is also super cool. At my church back home, we only did communion like once or twice a year, and it never seemed to have the special significance it seems to have for Catholics. For them, it is the actual body and blood of Jesus, not just some silly little cracker and teaspoon sized cup of grape juice. The priest has this whole ordeal for getting the Eucharist set up and I really like to watch him do his thing. He is pretty pro. I love the reverence he has for the whole thing. He holds each thing up to God and blesses it and pours wine into silver goblets and he has this whole routine with ringing bells and chanting and stuff. All the meanwhile, everyone sings songs and stuff. Since I was not baptized catholic, I cannot take the Eucharist. This makes me kind of sad, but I don't really want to go against everyone. Plus, I don't really know enough about Catholicism to take it. I really wish I could, but I will have to wait until I actually decide to become Catholic. If I decide to do this.

8.) Foreign priests. Sometimes, visiting priests from foreign countries come to give mass. There are a bunch of Italian ones who come and I really like their accents. I know this is kind of un-Godly, but I just can't help it. Listening to their cute accents makes me pay attention all the more. So I guess it's a good thing. Today, I shook hands with the priest who gave the mass. He was a foreigner. Needless to say, I was a pretty happy camper afterwards. It's not that I think they're hot or anything (then I would really go to Hell...), it's just that I like the fact that they are foreigners. I think I have a special place for foreigners in my heart, actually. There was never a foreign preacher at my old church. I don't even know if they would allow it. They were pretty lame. I think they liked their white, evangelical men to preach. This sounds awful, but I'm pretty sure it's true.

9.) I actually think I'm done. I'm sure there are more things that I am forgetting, and that makes me feel kind of bad, but oh well.

1 comment:

  1. ...I felt the same way when we visited the Jewish Temple. There's so much beauty in worshipping the most high God!
