Saturday, September 12, 2009

Siblings and Dreams

Lately, since my siblings have all gone back to school, I have been remembering my dreams. This is actually really exciting because I haven’t remembered any good ones in like a year. I think my remembering them now has to do with the fact that my siblings wake me up a little when they are getting ready for school. They don’t wake me all the way up though, thank goodness.

Last night I had a dream that I went to a physics convention with my first term chemistry partner. He was pretty cute. Good partner… But anyways, there were all these physics-y exhibits and stuff, like giant red and white balls on sticks and giant wooden trolley car type things. It was kind of a weird dream I guess. Pretty random.

Then, the night before, I had a dream that was kind of weird and scary. I went to this house at the far end of the parking lot at Costco. Some people were with me, but can’t remember who they were. I guess the house was haunted or something because this weird little monkey-ish boy/ghost followed me around and climbed onto my shoulder and bit me. Then I went home and looked in the mirror and I turned into an Asian man with longish black hair and a blond beard. I screamed (in the dream of course). It was very strange.

I hope my sibling continue their noisy morning routines so I can keep remembering my dreams.


  1. Kelsey, that is probably the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I think I might even post part of it on Facebook (if you don't mind) so my friends back home can see what a hilarious dreamer you are. :P

    Keep remembering your definitely need to tell Dana about this one.

  2. I hope your friends don't think I'm too weird...
