Friday, February 26, 2010

Wow. Haven't done this in a while...

Yeah. So I pretty much decided that I am a loser and need to start this whole blogging thing up again. I had it going pretty well there for a while. Then I guess I just got lazy or something. Not really sure. Oh well though. Main point is I am back! Haha, oh man...

Now I'm going to talk about my week, which was pretty much the suckiest week of my life by the way. I had an archaeology midterm on Monday, a physics midterm on Wednesday, an ochem midterm on Thursday and two major projects due Friday. Basically I almost died. I stayed up all night last night and right now I am kind of shaking. Quite unfortunate really. I'm not used to pulling these all nighters. This was the second one of my whole life. And hopefully the last if I might add. Not really a fan.

But...One good point! I picked my classes for next term and I am so excited! Only 14 credits and no physics!!!!!!! Man, the days of the gpa killer are over. No more C's for me. Ever. So, I'm going to take cell biology, organic chem lab, a poetry class (I hate poetry with a passion, but this is an easy, you can't fail type of class...), and an anthropology class. And none of my classes start before 11! This has never happened to me before. Previously, I have always started my day at 9 (this term at 8 because of stupid-kill-me-I-want-to-die physics). So,I'm pretty happy to get to finally sleep in.

Well, that's it for now. I have to clean my side of my room. It is probably the nastiest it's ever been right now, as a result of me studying too much and not having time to clean. Haha, I have papers everywhere, books everywhere, clothes everywhere. Oh man. It is terrible. Time to fix.