Sunday, May 16, 2010

Chemistry Burn.

Yeah. This happened to my arm on Tuesday morning in my organic chemistry lab. It was basically the easiest lab of the term, but my partner and I somehow had more trouble on this lab than any of the other ones. Basically all we had to do was boil some instant milk, add some acid a couple of times and then remove any chunks that formed. Simple right? Well not for us.

The first time we boiled our milk and added the acid, we ended up cooking it for too long or something because we got an enormous amount of congealed milk chunkage with not enough liquid left over to extract the next substance. We asked our TA what our problem was and he was like. "Hmmm. I don't know what you guys did wrong, but you have to do it again." So that's what we did. However, this is when the most disastrous episode of the day occured, namely my poor burnt arm.

We were successful in the first and second extractions of milk chunkage, but as we were removing the remaining liquid from our hot plate to cool, disaster struck. As I was removing our precious beaker, my partner moved the hotplate and it touched my wrist. Oh no! I kind of screamed and dropped the beaker. It shattered on our lab bench and our precious milk liquid mixture spilled all over. It was terrible. Then, all the TA's and our professor rushed over to make sure we didn't spill anything dangerous like hydrochloric acid or something. (luckily, we had just finished adding some sodium bicarbonate to our liquid, effectively neutralizing the hydrochloric acid that we had previously added...) But needless to say, it was pretty embarrasing. Everyone heard my funny scream and the shatter of our poor beaker. It an especially sad day because we had previously dominated every other lab. But oh well. Nobody's prefect I guess...

So, in the end we were unable to successfully complete the experiment and were forced to use the data of the group directly across from us. That being said, they are not quite as good at doing labs as we are, so I hope they ended up making a good milk liquid mixture. We will find out next week I guess... And I hope I get a really cool scar. I could tell everyone how I got it one day in organic chemistry lab. And it would be amazing.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lions don't eat rabbits. Come on.

So I was playing Family Feud today on Facebook, and one of the questions it gave me was, "What do lions eat?" Of course, because I know everything about lions, I thought to myself, "Yes! I'm going to kick this question's butt!!" However, this was not to be the case. My zoologic expertise was not enough to win. Not nearly enough. Apparently, lions do not eat zebras, water buffalo, wildebeast, or impala. I got super mad after I got my three strikes and only got one answer two of six answers. It turns out that in addition to gazelle and antelope lions eat deer, bugs, rabbits, and turtles.

Hello! Lions do not eat any of these things!!!! First of all, "rabbits","deer" and "turtles" do not have very high populations in the savannahs of Africa, where real lions live. A real lion would probably never encounter any of these animals in its day to day life. I'm sure if they saw one just standing around, they would try to kill it, but this would probably never happen. Second of all, the bug-filled diet of Simba from the Lion King does not accurately represent the diet of a real lion. Real lions don't eat bugs.

This question made me really mad. Like I actually got pretty upset. It makes me really sad that people actually think lions eat bugs, deer, rabbits and turtles. Oh well though. This question only cheated me out of my Fast money round. No big deal I guess.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Loud Breathers.

I was having a wonderful day today until right about seven minutes before my Cell Bio class started, when Mr. Loud Breather decided to sit down next to me. I was reading my slides before class and the next time I looked up, there he was. Now I sat by him once before during the first week of class and I swore that I would never do so again. I never leave an empty seat next to me if I get to class before this guy. I don't know why I did today, but it was a mistake that I hope to never repeat.

This particular guy is the loudest breather I have ever heard. In my entire life. Period. My jaw literally hurt so bad after class today that I couldn't even move my mouth for like an hour. I clenched my teeth so hard that much. It was ridiculous. And I broke my pencil in half because I was sqeezing it so hard too. I could hardly even concentrate on what my professor was saying. And Cell Bio is one of my favorite classes, so this made me really sad. I tried really hard to ignore the loud breather, but I just couldn't do it. I tried moving my head as far away from him as possible, but that didn't work. I tried moving my body as far away from him as possible (I was basically sitting on top of the person on my other side, but I'm sure they understood - they looked pretty miserable as well), but that didn't work either. I could still hear the breathing. I don't even think my feeble attempt to get away from him made his breathing any less loud, but it made me feel better that I tried to escape it. I even tried breathing loud myself to the pattern of his loud breaths, but that didn't work either because I still couldn't reach the caliber of his nasty loud breathing.

Basically, I was super miserable for 50 whole minutes. Grinding my jaw off, breaking my pencil in half... Oh man. I'm sure I was giving off really annoyed, unhappy vibes too. Oh well though. I was taken advantage of in my one moment of decreased vigilance. And it will never happen again.