Monday, November 30, 2009

Bathroom Tile and Road Curves

Finals are coming up for me (next week to be precise) and I have been doing a lot of studying lately. I am definitely beginning to think it is starting to affect my life. Just the other day for example, I was driving back to college and my car was going around a curve. I immediately thought of physics and how when you go around a curve, centripetal acceleration pulls you inwards and its force = mv2/r. I hate physics, so I felt kind of bad for thinking this, but at least it shows that I know what is going on in a curve situation.

And today, I went to the bathroom in the English/Psychology building. I just happened to look down at the floor and I saw the tiles made up a honeycomb-like pattern. It was a bunch of hexagons all stuck together. I thought to myself, "Boy, those tiles sure do look like cyclohexane molecules..." and then immediately afterward, I was like, "Oh my goodness. I can't believe I just thought that". I felt really nerdy. I couldn't believe it. Oh well though. Just before I left for class that day, I had been drawing a mechanism for a chemistry reaction involving a cyclohexane. So, I guess it makes sense that that would come to my mind.

I remember that last year, I even had a couple of dreams about finals and studying. My roommate even said that one time I talked to myself in my sleep and I said something like, “Is that going to be on the test?” Haha, I am so weird. Maybe I should just take a break. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I made some molecules today. What did you do?

Today I made some molecules. I was kind of bored, just sitting around in my room with nothing to do when I looked over at my window sill and saw my molecular modelling kit, also just sitting there. I thought to myself, "Hmmm. Why don't I make me some molecules." And this I did. After fooling around for a while making up random molecules, I decided to stick with the basics and made two classics: a cyclohexane and some kind of ethane (or butane depending on which groups you substitute for balls...). I had a pretty fun time.

It just so happened that I had actually been making molecules the wrong way for like seven weeks. My friend came over one day and started fooling around with my kit. He figured out the right way and I felt kind of dumb. Apparently, the molecule pieces actually snap into place. I had been holding my molecule components together with my hands for the longest time. Isn't that sad? Oh well. I guess you live and learn.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Productive Day? What?

So far today, I have done many things - and it is not yet even 8:00am! Amazing, right? I registered for classes, made scones, picked up dog poop, levelled up in Restaurant City, put in a trash bag and wrote this blog.

So yeah, I woke up today at 5:48am to register for my winter term classes. Needless to say, I was quite excited. I was finally able to register at 6:00 this morning... I had actually basically picked out my schedule like a month ago, so I was all set. I had my set of what classes to pick and when all ready to go, I signed on to my college registration website and registered away. Everything went mostly according to my plans. However, I had to register for AN EIGHT A.M. physics class. Kill me now. I already can't handle that class and now I have to wake up extra early just for it. Go me. I plan on calling the physics department Monday as soon as it opens and if I can't change this, I will just die. That's all there is to it. Oh yeah, and I could only register for 16 credits too. I forgot about this. I am going to take 19 credits this term, so I will just have to wait a week and register for that last class. It better not fill up on me.

Dog poop. I woke up, sat down at my computer this morning, looked over at the ground to my right, and guess what was looking back at me? Yeah. A big old pile of my dog's poop and a great big puddle of pee. I didn't really want to clean it at that moment in time, so I carried on registering for classes. I finally finished like 20 minutes later and I still didn't feel like picking up the mess. So I made scones instead. I finally couldn't put off this duty any longer, so I rolled up my sleeves, got an old bread bag, some napkins and some Pine Sol and got down to business. it was pretty gross.

Scones. They are delicious. or they will be. I haven't eaten them quite yet, but I plan on doing so quite soon. Like as soon as I finish this. I'm pretty excited. My scones are amazing. If I do say so myself.

Restaurant City. I started playing this game like two weeks ago I think. And I am a fan. Definitely. I'm officially level 16 now. YES! I love this game. I can just sit back and watch my people work. It's amazing.

I plan on being even more productive for the rest of the day. I decided that I am going to completely going to write my 5-8 page Anthropology paper. I'm pretty excited actually. It's about this India book I read. And I love India so I decided the essay will be fun!

Well, I am done now. I really want to eat my scones. And coffee. Yum.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pull-Out-Desk Success? We Shall See...

I spent like twenty minutes today trying to put my pull-out-desk tray back together. I think I finally succeeded, but we shall see. The darn thing broke like a month ago. Even after a month of not having it, I still would go down and try to pull it out. It wasn't there, but I kept thinking it was. I loved my pull-out-desk tray. I used it for basically everything I ever did. I ate on it, I did my homework on it, I put my feet on it while I watched tv on my computer, I set important things on it... I lived my life on that pull-out-desk tray. That being said, I was devastated when I was doing stuff on it one day and it broke. It was like losing a dear friend...

I finally had enough of not having it today, and also having a lot of free time today, I decided to get my mechanical skills on and try to fix my desk. I am pleased to report that I believe I solved the problem. To celebrate, I have my elbows resting on it right now, as I write this. And after I post this, I will attempt to do my 15 page physics homework. I feel quite rejuvenated now. Maybe I can solve my physics problems too. I seriously doubt this, but it might be a possiblity. I am on a figuring-things-out roll right now.

First Book Highlighting Party.

I highlighted my first book today. It might seem amazing that I have never before highlighted a book, but this is the truth. I guess I have just always had a healthy respect for books and have always kind of felt like a defiler of knowledge for marking up pages. This is kind of silly, but it's just the way I feel. The reason for finally breaking free of my anti-highlighter ideology was that I had to read 88 pages of one of my India books. This is many pages and I didn't really want to take 30 pages of notes by hand. This would take much time; time I do not have.

You might ask why I let 88 pages of reading pile up on my favorite subjest. This reason is also simple; I did not need this book until after the first midterm. I had somehow put the book somewhere in my room at the beginning of the term and then forgotten where I placed it. I just found the book this week. I think the momentous occasion took place on Thursday, but I'm not sure... It was in my physics drawer in my desk. I do not know why I placed a book for a subject I love in the same drawer as the subject that I hate most in the world, but I did. This is perhaps the reason I did not find this book until a few days ago. I try to avoid looking in my physics drawer as much as possible. I tried to separate it from the rest of my subjects. It is death and deserves a separate spot.

Anyways, backstory aside, I do not think I will ever again highlight a book. I just feel terrible about it. This is kind of stupid because the act of highlighting has saved me much time and effort. However, I still cannot reconcile the act of defiling a book. In my head I just cannot get past this. I don't really know why. I am looking at the book right now and I feel kind of bad. Oh well though. I just think books are too valuable to mark on.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nasty Bathrooms? Please.

Okay, so I just returned from a less than satisfactory bathroom expedition. I walked into the girls' bathroom on my floor and was greeted by several slightly off-putting surprises. I knew that my usual stall had a bunch of nasty barf in it from Friday night, so I first went into the handicapped stall; my second choice toilet. Well, it had a wonderful surprise just waiting for me. Someone had forgotten to flush the toilet. Great. Thanks to whoever was responsible for that. That being said, I was slightly disgusted. I moved on to the next stall, hoping for something a little better. There was nothing better about what I found there either. There was a bunch of weird water on the floor and all around the seat. Gross. I skipped the next stall - it contained the barf... and went on to the next one. The first stall. I don't really like the first stall anyways. Its toilet is substantially lower than the rest of the other toilets, which is a problem. Well, I wasn't able to use that stall either. There was a bunch of nasty blood all over it. I was really disappointed. I really had to go, and I didn't want to use any of the surprise toilets, so I migrated on down to the third floor. It was much nicer. However, there were no paper towels. I just couldn't win today.

Hello toilet-surprise-makers. We are in college. You should know how to flush a toilet and clean up after yourself. It is not acceptable to leave weird, nasty surprises all over the place for innocent, unsuspecting people like me to find. It is just not cool. I do not appreciate this.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I feel like I have been angry and frustrated this whole term. Well, today my fuse finally blew. I am done.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Right Now I'm Kind of Mad

Right now I'm kind of mad. Some stupid girls on my floor decided to have a noise party. All I wanted to do tonight was to read my India book. Alas, this dream was destroyed when all of a sudden, what do I hear? Stupid noise from my stupid neighbor's noise party. I was only a few pages in when it started and then I couldn't concentrate, so I gave up and started writing this.

I did a little investigating and I found out that room 410 was having an "open house". Apparently because no one ever visits them. Haha, yeah right. I bet they are over there all the time hanging out with bunches of people. I guess it was a nice idea, but it is not a nice idea to blast your stupid music all the time. It kind of makes me really mad. People don't really seem to have any courtesy these days. They just blast their stupid music all the time and take other people's laundry out of the dryers.

I decided that stupid is my new favorite word by the way. I pretty much use it all the time these days. This is kind of sad and it kind of makes me sound like a mean person, but I don't really care. Oh well.